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I actually figured something out that helps a little. As I said before, setting the 'alerts' preferences to beep on private message or highlighted message does not work. However, if you set those alerts, then go into the sound preferences, and set the 'beep' action to play a custom sound, it works! I first tried with an mp3 file, but that didn't do anything. Then I tried a .wav file and that is working fine. It would still help alot if it there was some way to make the phone vibrate, but having the sounds work is better than nothing.
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Made some more progress in getting this to notify me the way I want. It's not the most elegant solution, but it seems to work pretty well. What I did was create a script that makes the phone vibrate, plays a sound, and makes the led notification blink. Then, in the sound preferences, set the script to be the external sound player. This will kill all your custom event sound settings since the script is not really a sound player, but it will be executed when the beep sound is supposed to play. So if you set up the alerts preferences to play a beep on highlighted messages and / or private messages, etc. the script will run and the phone will vibrate, blink, and play a sound. If the silent profile is set, the sound will not play. Heres my script if anyone's interested:


#Set the vibration pattern (see /etc/mce/mce.ini)

#Set the led pattern (see /etc/mce/mce.ini)

#Set the sound file to play

#Make the phone vibrate
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/mce/request string:$vibrate_pattern

#Play a sound
aplay -q $sound_file

#Make the led notification light blink
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/mce/request string:$led_pattern
Just save this file to your phone, edit the variables (the sound file variable must be edited, the vibrate pattern and led pattern can be left as is, or you can choose your own from /etc/mce/mce.ini) and set the 'External sound playing program' in the xchat sound preferences to be the script file.

Like I said this isn't a perfect solution, but it will make the phone vibrate and play a sound when someone pm's me, or a highlighted message is received. Now I can carry the phone in my pocket with xchat running and know when someone is trying to reach me.

Oh, and the standard "If this messes up your phone, I'm not responsible" disclaimer applies. I'm pretty sure it's safe, but I am kind of a n00b, so anything could happen :-)

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Posts: 33 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by MasterPo View Post
I am kind of a n00b, so anything could happen :-)
Actually, not bad for a n00b at all! Thanks.
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Got the script by DocScrutinizer / Master Po working for me.

Originally Posted by MasterPo View Post
Made some more progress in getting this to notify me the way I want.

...and set the 'External sound playing program' in the xchat sound preferences to be the script file....
Some notes:

Just use $1 instead of /path/to/your/sound/file

In xchat, go to the Sound tab in Preferences and set the "external sound playing program" to your script, "Sound files directory" to /usr/share/sounds/

Find "Channel Msg Hilight" and set "Sound file" to chat-msg_in_bg.wav (or one of the others in that dir that you like better). Do the same for "Private Message".
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Hi, first post.

I think I've found a bug in it that isn't on either the linux or windows versions of Xchat, and just wanted to confirm.

I'm running my own irc bouncer on my home connection, and just to try to hide it a little better, I'm using a non-standard port. I have the server set as "", as that's the setting I use for Xchat on linux and windows. Whenever I try to connect, it first tries using /6670 as part of the tld, failing to resolve, then after cycling to the "next" server, it connects normally.

A screencap, because screencaps are always nice:

Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
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Originally Posted by fwrnando View Post
Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
I am not sure what "irc bouncer" is, but maybe you have to enter "" instead?
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Originally Posted by fwrnando View Post
Whenever I try to connect, it first tries using /6670 as part of the tld, failing to resolve, then after cycling to the "next" server, it connects normally.

I am also using a bouncer with a custom port and I see the same behaviour as you do. I've noticed that if after connecting, you disconnect from the server, then reconnect, it will connect on the first try. It's only when first launching xchat that I see it, so I don't think it's anything wrong with the settings. I haven't tried connecting directly to an irc server to see if this only happens when using a bouncer, or when using a bouncer with a custom port, or all the time. I can say that it does not happen from my fedora desktop when connecting to the same bouncer / same port.

Really, all it amounts to is a 1 or 2 second delay when connecting from the N900, so it's not really that big of a deal IMO.
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hello, i have a problem. i uninstalled and re-installed and deleted my settings and it's still happening.
basically.send for a xdcc file it allows me to select the folder to save to and then fails to save.
if i try save again I only get offerend the 'bin' folder?? and it fails 'unable to save'. This bin folder might be a system folder?

any ideas?
Posts: 1,418 | Thanked: 1,541 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by robbiem View Post
hello, i have a problem. i uninstalled and re-installed and deleted my settings and it's still happening.
basically.send for a xdcc file it allows me to select the folder to save to and then fails to save.
if i try save again I only get offerend the 'bin' folder?? and it fails 'unable to save'. This bin folder might be a system folder? any ideas?
I think you are trying to give it a system folder of some kind. Give it a proper folder in MyDocs.
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it blinks babe!
I just made a first version of a xchat plugin using the maemo notfication gadgets, being able to blink, vibrate, show banners or dialog boxes for highlighted messages, the raw code for review:

compiling is a bit bumpy, basically:
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -g -Wall -ldbus-glib-1 -ldbus-1 -lpthread -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,--export-dynamic -Wall -O1 -shared -fPIC maemo_notify.c -o

put into ~/.xchat2/


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