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AliasXZ's Avatar
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For me leaving the phone app in landscape does not fix the issue.
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Switzerland
Just wanted to let you know, that i had a similar problem after pr1.2. the top cpu consuming apps were facebook widgets and hildon. removing facebook widgets helped me on that. it's described here:

the other possibility is, that the ota update 1.2 went wrong. did not have the time to reflash and reinstall by now.
rebhana's Avatar
Posts: 579 | Thanked: 471 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria
I also had this problem after I started to use the desktop command exection widget. Since I de-installed it, it never occured again.
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AliasXZ's Avatar
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ United Kingdom, Huddersfield
Originally Posted by rebhana View Post
I also had this problem after I started to use the desktop command exection widget. Since I de-installed it, it never occured again.
I will try this on mine, had quite alot of freezes recently...
Posts: 291 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on May 2010 @ France
Thanks a lot Rebhana, I was settling the problem temporarily by checking the landscape mode in the phone app, but now it seems to be completely resolved since I deleted "Command Execution Desktop Widget".
AliasXZ's Avatar
Posts: 103 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ United Kingdom, Huddersfield
Same here, seems to be fixed, lets hope a Desktop Command exec widget update will be here soon
hobbsch's Avatar
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I have this issue, too. I think, it happens sometimes when I plug in the charger but don't see the status "Chrg" immediately and therefore tap antsy on the line to refresh it.

In Xterm I can see a process with awk and i could not kill it (even not with "kill -9" from root-ssh [or is my unix-knowledge outdated?]). At the moment I'm not able to reproduce the error, but next time I will write the exact code from ps.

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I seem to be having this problem as well. Happens randomnly. Nothing to do with what I am running. Just pick up the device to use and find everything frozen on the desktop.
Jayboy5's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mihapodb View Post
I have a big problem that causes that nothing on desktop is not working.

I have no idea, what causes this, but it is happening after PR 1.2 update.

Nothing works, except contact shortcut. Calendar is not working, widgets, shortcuts, bookmarks, nothing... I have to reboot and than it is working again.

It happens after some uptime.
Hey there,

I actually USED to have the same problem and can say for certain that the "command execution widgets" were the culprit for me. I used to have to do the "killall hildon-home" command, several times a day until I finally removed the command execution widget.
The only way I was able to single out that widget is because I had never used it before until after about a week or so into the pr1.2 update. Everything was fine until I tried using that widget to see actual battery level. It was fine before I installed it, then for the few days I had it installed my desktop would freeze at random times all throughout the day and night until I did killall hildon-home... then everything went back to normal as soon as I uninstalled the command execution widget and I havent had any problems since. My suggestion is to uninstall it and see if your problems persist, although I have a felling everything will be fine once you do. I hope this helps.

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actually i've had this problem and i was trying out the starving kernel
perhaps u have undervolted too much?
have u overclocked?

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