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ibrakalifa's Avatar
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let samsung buy nokia and make a wish to see harmattan running on latest chipset, dualcore or maybe quadcore,more ram, greater gpu it will be awesome!!

*im sorry for my opinion, but hey this is maemo community, not nokia community indeed, and nokia already abandon us, :sad
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Originally Posted by ibrakalifa View Post
let samsung buy nokia and make a wish to see harmattan running on latest chipset, dualcore or maybe quadcore,more ram, greater gpu it will be awesome!!

*im sorry for my opinion, but hey this is maemo community, not nokia community indeed, and nokia already abandon us, :sad
It's just not about the latest and the greatest...It's a package and that is where nokia is failing. You simply can't trust them.

The pricing, locations, leadership, the inconsistency when it comes to products and OS. Since nokia swaped to windows they are not needed anymore in the mobile world. They only live to serve microsoft. Nothing more!
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2012-02-09 at 17:28.

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and what an arogant movement from nokia sold 2years old chipset with the price that almost same with the latest one!!

and you talk about consistency? nokia is sinking, while samsung and many others are rising, thats the fact
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
And why did Microsoft come in play? Because the nerdy N8 and N900 didn't sell. N8 marked the start of Symbian going mostly outside of Western market.
Nothing wrong with that, but Nokia does need that Western market as well. Symbian was not going to do that, MeeGo did take ages to have anything done. Nokia seemed to do pretty much 100% the work on MeeGo mobile side.
n8 was selling great when it came out, it has sold 4 million units in the first 2 months...

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Around 90% of Nokia phones where already made in Asia, so it's not like much is going to change from past 6 years.
My N900 and N9 are both made in Finland. So, for me, it would be a change.
But it's true that the Chinese-made Lumia is quite comparable to the Finnish-made N9 in terms of build quality.
I just fear that Nokia's build quality will decrease to levels of HTC and Samsung, though, because it's cheaper.
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
My N900 and N9 are both made in Finland. So, for me, it would be a change.
But it's true that the Chinese-made Lumia is quite comparable to the Finnish-made N9 in terms of build quality.
I just fear that Nokia's build quality will decrease to levels of HTC and Samsung, though, because it's cheaper.
i dont think there are n900s made in finland, just designed in finland

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The press release sounds like another reverse pole massacre.
However, they announced earlier that all Window phones are to be produced by Ericsson, allowing them to end the JV with Sony.

So, what remains is Symbian phones, outsourced development to Accenture - and then Linux, the foundation of their "Smart Devices"....

They have to save, and the simple analogy to laying off people is the story about the poor farmer that decided to train his horse to eat as little as possible to optmise the profit that could be generated. The sad fact is that the horse died just as it almost made it - lived 5 days without grass or oat.
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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post
i dont think there are n900s made in finland, just designed in finland
You're right. I confused something. The N900 preproduction batches used to be made in Finland. But those were loaners. I suppose the N900 that are around by now are all made in Korea.
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Originally Posted by cBeam View Post
Hardly surprising, sad anyway, Another European "manufacturer" leaves Europe for good and assembles phones solely in Asia.

For me it is just another reason to see Nokia as what is it, a large faceless corporation without soul.

Washington Post Article:
Nokia has sold out from its European roots and become an American type company. The consequence of this is that they simplify everything from the website to the product portofolio. Europeans like choice, difference, options and quality. Americans like simplicity, uncomlicated things.

The new website is pure crap, no useful information anymore, and with sole focus on a very few devices. on the portofolio Microsoft, eh I mean Nokia has gone from something for everyone to one thing for no one.

Like any good American company Nokia has outsourced all its production to Asia to keep jobs out of America or in this case Europe.

additionally the few devices they have now are aimed at simple minds with no consideration for quality. Just look at the GUI of Winphone 7, its ridiculous. In addition Winphone 7 lacks essential features that one would expect in the basic package of a mobile operating system. Like Iphone they will probably need loads of apps just to get decent functions on the thing, and tons of apps to compensate for a shitty browsing experience and one app for each website because the browser is not able to perform those internet tasks.

Winphone like Iphone is a severely physically handicapped man with no wheelchair, that require apps just to perform normal tasks.

how about tiles everyone? welcome to a past that is being written today!
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I've always seen Nokia that way. Just the same as any other corporation. I've never understood the misty-eyed view of Nokia that some have.

The rich shaft the poor. That's the way it's always been, and always will be. Ordinary workers are paying the price for Nokia's strategic failures, whilst the people responsible are still in their cushy jobs. Same sh1t, different day.
My misty eyed views have been formed through experience of the great devices that Nokia has produced; and not least the huge respect I have for the people of Finland.

I hope that the majority vote on the Nokia Board of Directors is Finnish.

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