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libcurl3 is included in cssu.

cssu mess is just adding portrait and other functionalities and some packages that just stopped working.

nothing negative on cssu, i love it and the community for keeping it up.

I'm long overdue for a reflash i suppose.

ive actually bought an n9 2 days ago and love it! I thought i'd come back and answer my own questions
  • When someone's calling it's slow to come up, maybe 5 sec till it responds. it just rings on the lock screen or a blank screen.

    i was installing a package and working on nano to do some config editing and a call came slight delay but nothing like the n900

  • emails take a while to load. 5gb gmail inbox and a mfe account.

    emails are quick and arrive with at the most 2 min delay. loading 2 weeks on exchange and some on gmail. but it cant search the rest of my inbox. so glad too the morning after i got the phone i received a time crucial email 10 min before i needed it
  • medias take a while to load. about 17gb of music and 4gb of videos/pics, i dont even use it as a music player anymore. id like to move on to spotify

    reduced it down to 5gb of media. quick to load and sounds good with the dolby dsp playing an ac3 file through some anc headphones
  • lack of mms. fmms is ok but when i get mass texts from android and ios it sends it as individual mms.

    mms works great much easier to share pictures with my significan other
  • slow browser speed. even tried using google's dns.

    also much quicker even with multiple windows. not as quick as the newer androids or even a lumia 900. some sites are forced into mobile sites. both from wifi and hspa
  • biggest gripe is google calendar sync. it just doesn't work. and 3rd party software can be a clunky work around. ie manual syncing

    biggest surprise it works well with caldav, but i havent tried anything beyond 30 days. also when syncing it said out of space and to clear some. i had plenty of space though so i just restarted and it works fine now
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@deviantv1ral - sorry for the OT, won't do it again(here), I promise

Originally Posted by misterc View Post
simply doesn't work on my prime
i'm not saying it is only CSSU; it might well be CSSU interacting with another apps i have installed along the way in the last 2 yrs
have somewhere between 150 and 200
not even the same on prime and 2nd

but i rather suspect that it is b/c i don't make (many) calls w/ 2nd.
a few days i had CSSU stable on prime i had to take the battery out up to three times / day

re-flash, same apps w/ pk (was v49 or so back then) and runs days or even weeks at end.
same apps otherwise

thus, mess
Aah, I see, CSSU not fitting your needs because your device is heavily tweaked == CSSU is a mess. Nice point of view, me likes it.

Which exactly flavor did you try and when? An year ago? Where is your bug report?

what are you trying to prove with
  • CSSU stable
  • CSSU... testing (?)
  • CSSU thumb

that you can do everything, alas nothing right?

You have NFC what are those, aren't you? And why the hell do you think anyone tries to prove something by dedicating his/her free time on coding, maintaining, bug chasing, etc? As if we don't have families and jobs. Do you think that those involved in CSSU (no matter what flavor) are just a bunch of losers with plenty of free time they spent trying to prove themselves by using "popularity" that comes with CSSU? Meh, you must be joking.

Focus? On what? Focus on solving your inability to keep your device in consistent state? Come on, why do you think your device is the most important thing CSSU team should take care of. Lower your self esteem a bit, ok? That way maybe you'll realize that it is highly impolite to preach anyone else but your relatives. Esp when you are even not familiar with those people.

Anyway, you'd better educate yourself. Let me try to help you:

And before someone accuse me of having no clue how great N9 is, remember, I was one of the CA winners (N950). You may ask yourself why I am not using it as my primary device, but one of my n900s. Though - different people, different needs.
Never fear. I is here.

720p video support on N900,SmartReflex on N900,Keyboard and mouse support on N900
Nothing is impossible - Stable thumb2 on n900

Community SSU developer
kernel-power developer and maintainer

Last edited by freemangordon; 2012-09-21 at 12:14.

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N900 ---> N9 ---> Jolla Mobile
Wonder who closed all the electronics shops tv:s (Power of infrared)
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Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
@deviantv1ral - sorry for the OT, won't do it again(here), I promise
sure buddy, only the 2nd time, isn't it?
know what, save your typing skills... for whatever...

Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
Aah, I see, CSSU not fitting your needs because your device is heavily tweaked == CSSU is a mess.[...]
as long as CSSU isn't on it, my N900 is running fine, thanks for asking.

as to the rest of your whining...
grow up, get a life
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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