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Originally Posted by orava View Post
Mapsi v4.0.0 is now available for N900, N9/N950 and for Windows.

- Support for EPSG:900913
- Bug fixes and some other minor features

N900 version
v4.0.0 for N900 is available here.

1. Install latest Qt Mobility 1.2 libraries. If you have extras-devel repository enabled you can install those with "apt-get install libqtm-12=1:1.2.0+git20111104-0nd~fremantle5" or if you don't you can download libraries from here (and install with "dpkg -i libqtm-12_1.2.0+git20111104-0nd~fremantle5_armel.deb").
2. Download .deb file from the link above and install it.
3. Copy WMS settings (wms_settings.ini) and map settings (map_settings.ini) files (attached to this post is example settings files, remove .txt extension) to '/home/user/MyDocs/.mapsi' directory (if you connect N900 to computer using mass storage mode that directory is '.mapsi' in root)

N9/N950 version
v4.0.0 for N9/N950 is available here.

1. Install .deb file from the link above.
2. Copy WMS settings (wms_settings.ini) and map settings (map_settings.ini) files (attached to this post is example settings files, remove .txt extension) to '/home/user/MyDocs/.mapsi' directory (if you connect N9 to computer using mass storage mode that directory is '.mapsi' in root)

Windows version
v4.0.0 for Windows is available here.

1. Download file from the link above and unzip it to directory with no white spaces in it (e.g. to "c:\").
2. Make 'data' directory in Mapsi-v4.0.0 directory and copy WMS settings (wms_settings.ini) and map settings (map_settings.ini) files (attached to this post is example settings files, remove .txt extension) to that directory.

For existing users
New database format
v4.0.0 has new map tile database format and old database files won't work anymore. If you want to use your old database follow these steps (I suggest using Windows version 'cause this requires quite a lot of memory and free space)
1. Rename your old WMS settings file to 'wms_settings.ini-old' and your database file to 'wms.db-old'
2. Run Mapsi and now it should start creating new database to 'wms.db-new' file.
3. Wait (this may take up to ten minutes). There's no window showing status of the new database creation but you can check that 'wms.db-new' file size increases to make sure it's working. When new database is ready window should appear saying that it's done.
4. Rename 'wms.db-new' to 'wms.db' and remove 'wms.db-old' (if 'wms.db-old' and 'wms.db-new' don't have almost same file size, there probably have been some errors creating new database and in that case you might not want to delete 'wms.db-old')

New WMS settings format
Also WMS settings file format has changed in v4.0.0 (and now there's own settings file for maps) but old WMS setting files still work(those are automatically converted to new format).

Example WMS and map settings files that are attached to this post use World OSM WMS.
sorry but can you upload the N900 version in any other link???
medfire is forbidden in the mainland fo china..
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by pursueky View Post
sorry but can you upload the N900 version in any other link???
medfire is forbidden in the mainland fo china..
I uploaded it to extras-devel repository (here).

I forgot to mention about v4.0.0 that I know there are quite a few bugs in it but I decided to release it anyway as it still should be pretty stable and working. Most "critical" bugs that I'm aware of are:
- zooming doesn't work very well
- sometimes wrong map tiles are shown or some map tiles are not shown at all
- routes won't work properly (on N900 those don't work at all and on N9 those disappear automatically at some point)
- GPS track drawing probably won't work very well
I'll try to fix these on upcoming versions.

Also from now on it should be trivial to add support for new EPSG projections, so if you want to have support for some EPSG let me know (or if you know some specific WMS server and want to have support for that, give a link to it and I'll see if I can add support for it).

Last edited by orava; 2012-01-20 at 18:18.

The Following User Says Thank You to orava For This Useful Post:
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by pekkis View Post
This one starts correctly. Conversion of the old-ini failed, but osm-map works.
Those instructions were a bit inaccurate but when you want to convert old WMS settings to new, start mapsi when old settings file is named 'wms_settings.ini' (so no '-old' extension ). Then when mapsi is started it should backup that old settings file to 'wms_settings.ini-old' and when it is closed it should save settings in new format to 'wms_settings.ini' and 'map_settings.ini'.

The Following User Says Thank You to orava For This Useful Post:
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Its possible compile Mapsi to Linux / Ubuntu?
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by janivay View Post
Its possible compile Mapsi to Linux / Ubuntu?
Sure, I'll release Ubuntu version next week.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to orava For This Useful Post:
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Mikähän mahtaa olla ku N900:sessa mapsin käynnistys avaa ikkunan ja lataa hetken aikaa kunnes ohjelma sammuu... tekee samaa muutamalla muullakin ohjelmalla?
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by NimiE View Post
Mikähän mahtaa olla ku N900:sessa mapsin käynnistys avaa ikkunan ja lataa hetken aikaa kunnes ohjelma sammuu... tekee samaa muutamalla muullakin ohjelmalla?
Koita käynnistää Mapsi terminaalissa komennolla
/lib/ --library-path /opt/qtm12/lib/ /opt/Mapsi/bin/mapsi
ja kato antaako se jotain virheilmotuksia kaatumisesta.
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Sep 2011
N900 tarjosi päivitystä mapsiin - otin sen ja deletoin vanhan wms.db tiedoston. Uusi versio kyllä jotenkin toimii, mutta on hidas ja zoomaukset tuntuvat joskun menevän väärään suuntaan. Pitääkö mun tämän automaattipäivityksen lisäksi tallentaa jotain uusia .ini tiedostoja? Yritin myös ladata tuota libqtm-12...deb tiedostoa, mutta N900 ilomoitti ettei se ole yhteensopiva.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2011
Originally Posted by orava View Post
Koita käynnistää Mapsi terminaalissa komennolla
/lib/ --library-path /opt/qtm12/lib/ /opt/Mapsi/bin/mapsi
ja kato antaako se jotain virheilmotuksia kaatumisesta.
--libary-path: error while loading shared libraries: --libary-path: cannot open shared object file
Tässä vähän tutkiskelin ja kaikki ohjelmat jotaka eivät avaudu ovat Qt pohjaisia. Ilmeisesti ollut jotain häikkää päivitettäessä?
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by NimiE View Post
--libary-path: error while loading shared libraries: --libary-path: cannot open shared object file
Tässä vähän tutkiskelin ja kaikki ohjelmat jotaka eivät avaudu ovat Qt pohjaisia. Ilmeisesti ollut jotain häikkää päivitettäessä?
Hmm.. Koititko siis käynnistää koko tolla komennolla "/lib/ --library-path /opt/qtm12/lib/ /opt/Mapsi/bin/mapsi"? Voit koittaa kanssa komennolla "/opt/Mapsi/bin/mapsi" ja kattoa mitä virheitä sillä tulee. "dpkg --list |grep qtm" komennolla saat listan Qt Mobility paketeista mitä sulla on asennettuna. Siitä listasta pitäs löytyä libqtm-12 paketti, jonka versio on 1:1.2.0+git20111104-0nd~fremantle5. Jos sitä ei löydy voit hakea sen tuolta ja asentaa "dpkg -i libqtm-12_1.2.0+git20111104-0nd~fremantle5_armel.deb" komennolla (roottina eli "sudo gainroot" ensin).

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