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Originally Posted by rcolistete View Post
Yes, "devel-su" is needed, see item B.3 of 1st topic :
"$ devel-su
type the root password, then :"
If the problem persists, as root remove xmimd before installing v1.2 :
# dpkg -r xmimd
Thanks a lot for ur answer.
I saw that devel-su was needed and it doesn't work.
and when i do dpkg -r xmimd, it's saying it's not installed yet.
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Originally Posted by malibu1106 View Post
I saw that devel-su was needed and it doesn't work.
What doesn't work ? Where ? Please copy the error messages and the input lines before them.
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Originally Posted by rcolistete View Post
What doesn't work ? Where ? Please copy the error messages and the input lines before them.
login as: root
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.20.0.git (MeeGo 3:1.20-0.2+0m8) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

RM696-21-3_PR_006:~# ls
RM696-21-3_PR_006:~# cd ~user
RM696-21-3_PR_006:/home/user# ls
1.deb RF2011_REPLAY_UPLOAD.REC private
MyDocs RF2011_res_new_db.pak signature.x509
RF2011_REPLAY.REC RF2011_rfbsav
RM696-21-3_PR_006:/home/user# dpkg -i 1.deb
Aegis rejecting 1.deb: package 'xmimd' already installed from '' -- not replacing it from unknown origin
aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed package files rejected
Compilation failed in require.

( Sorry to waste ur time, it's problably a little error of beginner ..
I'm using putty to paste cut easier, but i was trying directly on n9)

Last edited by malibu1106; 2013-06-21 at 14:30.
Posts: 1,269 | Thanked: 3,961 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Brazil
Follow exactly the 1st post, item B-3. Download xmimd_1.2_armel.deb (it has 44.210 bytes) and put it (without renaming) in "/home/user/" of your N9. The commands are simple enough to type directly in N9 vkb.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
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Posts: 16 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2012
Ok .. it's done, but i got the same error ..
I downloaded the debian package via my computer, put it in MyDocs via usb, move it in /home/user via filebox.
Open a terminal
devel-su > password
cd ~user
dpkg -i xmimd_1.2_armel.deb

"Aegis rejecting xmimd_1.2_armel.deb: package 'xmimd' already installed from '' -- not replacing it from unknown origin
aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed package files rejected
Compilation failed in require."
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Please show the output of :
$ apt-cache show xmimd
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
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It's say
"Impossible to find packet xmimd
No packet found "

When i start to try to install debian, inception and aegis was already installed ( via n9qtweak )
Facing this error, i checked version, it's same version for all package, but i reinstalled aegisctl following exactly the topic procedure, because i don't completly understand how to use aegis ..

Last edited by malibu1106; 2013-06-21 at 16:06.
Posts: 1,269 | Thanked: 3,961 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Brazil
Sorry, but your 2nd last message shows that xmimd is installed :
"package 'xmimd' already installed from ''"
And my N9 shows a different message from "apt-cache show xmimd2" (an unknown package) :
"W: Unable to locate package xmimd2
E: No packages found"

What are you using ? Nokia N9 ? With PR (firmware) ? It has inception or open mode kernel ?
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
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Posts: 16 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2012
Sorry, i don't understand too ..
I translate from french to english, i got the same message.
I'm using a n9 pr1.3
Incepted via n9qtweak
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Was trying to do
/usr/sbin/aegisctl -s
aegisctl : operation not permitted (do you have the right credentials?)

Maybe it's a link ?
and when i go to /usr/sbin manually and put in terminal
"aegisctl -s "
It's say : aegisctl : not found

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