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Posts: 270 | Thanked: 195 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Finland
Originally Posted by Tarmo View Post
Yritin saada Mapsi versiota 4.0.0 toimimaan world OSM wms kartoilla käyttäen settings tiedostoja (01-20-12 #286). Ilmeisesti serveriä ei enää löydy tuosta Ip-osoitteesta?
Ei löydy tietoa, mutta ilmeisesti OSM on iskenyt pillit pussiin jakojen osalta. OSM ei vishin itse enää itse tarjoa karttapaloja, vaan jonkun muun tarjoajan pitäisi se tehdä. En ole löytänyt vielä hyviä jotka olisi kunnolla päällä.
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Nov 2006
so finally it happened

orava: Is it possible to make mapsi to support importing map files directly from mml? It seems that they are sharing map content in zipped format. Couldn't find a wms server with quick look.
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Finland
Originally Posted by Jaykie View Post
so finally it happened

orava: Is it possible to make mapsi to support importing map files directly from mml? It seems that they are sharing map content in zipped format. Couldn't find a wms server with quick look.
All possible maps from Mml would be good! No problem with free space on 64Gb version.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2012
i agree with savorau
Great to have topo maps back to n900!
This is 10+ program if i could figure out how to
get all Finland maps straight to n900 memory...? I use maps
lot without 3g network.. And it would be possible to
use without data packet(via bluetooth gps)

MDU Results 2012
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Originally Posted by Jaykie View Post
so finally it happened

orava: Is it possible to make mapsi to support importing map files directly from mml? It seems that they are sharing map content in zipped format. Couldn't find a wms server with quick look.
It says here that MML is going to open WMTS service to distribute their map content, so I was thinking to add support for that to Mapsi (that WMTS also works pretty much same way as WMS so it should be very easy to add support for it). I don't know when MML is going to open that service but when they do, I'll try to add support and release the next version as soon as I can.
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by ripatti View Post
Thank you for very efficient, battery friendly, quickly fix finding application.

I used it frequently last week when I was back-country-skiing at Lapland. This experience made me to suggest two further features:

1) Automatic saving a track: one reason I used Mapsi was to record the hikes we made (for uploading them later to Everytrail). After the longest and finest of them I was so tired that I managed to close the application before saving the track. :-(

2) Track also height/elevation information. Although the GPS is not very precise in this respect, hiking at mountains makes this information fun to explore afterwards.

A manual would be an asset. (This could be crowd-sourced.) It is too hard to browse this topic using almost nonexistent signal.

Best regards,

Thanks for your feedback. I'll try to add those features to the next version.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on May 2012

Nyt tarvitaan apua, laitteena nokia n900 ja halu saada mapsi toimimaan.
Tai lähinnä toimiva maastokartta sovellus, kuinka tämä saadaan?

Now I need help. my device is Nokia n900 and I'll need to get mapsi running. Or I need map-program, which show also terrain map, how should this work?

Kiitos, thank you!

So, now the mapsi works but what does this mean:

OpenStreetMap's Mapnik and Cycle maps are now used by default (if you don't have old settings files) so there's no need to copy any settings files anymore.

Unfortunately there was yet another change in database so you'll need to either delete your old database file ("wms.db" in "/home/user/MyDocs/.mapsI" folder) or follow following instructions:
1. Download SQLite Database Browser, install it and open "wms.db" file in it.
2. Select "Execute SQL" and type in "SQL string" text box

UPDATE tiles SET style="";

3. Press "Execute query" and wait until it finishes (this'll take a while and you might get "Application not responding" error but just wait more)

Specially these last bolded, I don't understund what should I do.
Perhaps in finnish, thanks?

Mapsi runs now, but I don't have any map on it...
Only blank blue backround.

Question really is that, where do I find the wms.db-file?

But again thank's to Orava, greit app!

Last edited by sampop; 2012-05-17 at 16:01.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sampop For This Useful Post:
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Finland
Originally Posted by orava View Post
It says here that MML is going to open WMTS service to distribute their map content, so I was thinking to add support for that to Mapsi (that WMTS also works pretty much same way as WMS so it should be very easy to add support for it). I don't know when MML is going to open that service but when they do, I'll try to add support and release the next version as soon as I can.
How about supporting vector-formats for full offline maps ?
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by sampop View Post
So, now the mapsi works but what does this mean:

OpenStreetMap's Mapnik and Cycle maps are now used by default (if you don't have old settings files) so there's no need to copy any settings files anymore.
Eli Mapsi käyttää siis kahta asetustiedostoa (wms_settings.ini ja map_settings.ini), joissa määritellään miltä palvelimilta karttoja haetaan ja miten niitä käytetään. Aikaisemmissa versioissa ei ollut mitään karttoja käytössä ennen kuin käyttäjä oli itse tehnyt/hankkinut noi asetustiedostot. Uusimmassa versiossa tehdään automaattisesti OSM-karttoja käyttävät asetustiedostot (jotka ei taida enää toimia), jos mitään asetustiedostoja ei löydy.

Esim. täältä taitaa löytyä toimivat asetustiedostot (jotka pitää kopioida /home/user/MyDocs/.mapsi/ -hakemistoon), joilla saa kartat näkyviin.

Originally Posted by sampop View Post
Unfortunately there was yet another change in database so you'll need to either delete your old database file ("wms.db" in "/home/user/MyDocs/.mapsI" folder) or follow following instructions:
1. Download SQLite Database Browser, install it and open "wms.db" file in it.
2. Select "Execute SQL" and type in "SQL string" text box

UPDATE tiles SET style="";

3. Press "Execute query" and wait until it finishes (this'll take a while and you might get "Application not responding" error but just wait more)

Specially these last bolded, I don't understund what should I do.
Perhaps in finnish, thanks?

Mapsi runs now, but I don't have any map on it...
Only blank blue backround.

Question really is that, where do I find the wms.db-file?
Nämä ohjeet liittyy vaan siihen, miten vanhan version karttapalatietokanta muutetaan toimimaan uudessa versiossa. Eli näistä ei tartte välittää, jos ei sellasta vanhaa tietokantaa ole.

The Following User Says Thank You to orava For This Useful Post:
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by pekkis View Post
How about supporting vector-formats for full offline maps ?
That sounds pretty hard and I don't have as much time to do this as I used to, so unfortunately support for vector formats is probably not coming.

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