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Nokia had the 66XX series phones and that time those devices were just a mere dream in the USA market. Nokia kept advancing and until Nokia N95 8GB I was really happy with their inventions! In my opinion Nokia made the biggest mistake "holding an iphone" in their hands. Because they somehow tought they had to produce a device to fight the iphone.
I do not want to get into the details which phone beats what! But the first iphone was 10 years behind Nokia symbian phones. 6680 (produced 2005) had BT transfer and front camera.. multitasking etc..etc.....
iphone (2007) didn't have anything that even worth looking(touch interface is not something interesting for me)
so Nokia somehow!?!? thought they had to produce a device to be some variant and alternative to iphone!
this was the BIGGEST mistake of the NOKIA!
because they had a very steady incline and ideas.. They were only advancing, sometimes HUGE advances in tech.. sometimes small but they were advancing in the way which they standed!
With the panic of iphone, nokia started to develop V5 and that time they have lost all my belief and support!
don't get me wrong I still use Nokia and if nokia finishes I will simply stop using cellphones but I will most likely NEVER purchase an apple device. Because I dislike apple.
Nokia intruduced touchscreen phones years ago, I have personally bought and used them, but I really never cared about that touch interface. I am not saying it is useless.. I just think it is not so important.
The most important thing is the RAM! CPU!
anyhow they have somehow come to today!
I, for so long felt very bad.. My favorite company! The inventors of the MOBILE WORLD for me was really about to vanish!
Today I wish they suffer from the mistakes they made.
If I was in any power of the Nokia! I would FIRE every single person who helped in the production of the N97. That device is a JOKE!
I think it will take good 10 years for Nokia to get back on it's feet! "IF" it will ever get back!

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Originally Posted by ercanmetin View Post
... In my opinion Nokia made the biggest mistake "holding an iphone" in their hands. Because they somehow tought they had to produce a device to fight the iphone.
I do not want to get into the details which phone beats what! But the first iphone was 10 years behind Nokia symbian phones...
so Nokia somehow!?!? thought they had to produce a device to be some variant and alternative to iphone!
this was the BIGGEST mistake of the NOKIA!
The big change in the industry is that Apple was able to figure out how to make a compelling device that isn't about checkboxes per se, at least not just in the device. Yes, features are important but it is not as important as usability and a strong third-party ecosystem. I'm not an Apple historian, but when the iPhone released it was for posers who wanted to be cool. When the App Store blew up and third-parties flocked to build aps for the iPhone it became more than something just cool to have. If you could count an app as another checkbox, how many more does Apple have versus Google or even Nokia.

Originally Posted by ercanmetin View Post
The most important thing is the RAM! CPU!
The MOST? Maturity in any industry means that people move away from specs. Do people really care what CPU is in their netbook? No because most just want to do word documents, watch a few videos and surf the web. The PC market evolved / matured to the point where its about being productive and useful rather than whether or not you have the right CPU. The same thing is happening to smartphones.

Originally Posted by ercanmetin View Post
The inventors of the MOBILE WORLD for me was really about to vanish!
Today I wish they suffer from the mistakes they made.
If I was in any power of the Nokia! I would FIRE every single person who helped in the production of the N97. That device is a JOKE!
A joke? See even you see it and you don't want to give Apple credit for making a great device. The N97 has more features than most iPhones but it sucks because its not about checkboxes.

Nokia doesn't have 10 years to get it right. If they can lean out their portfolio by 1/3 I think they will do ok. I hope they see that they can still maintain healthy numbers without the deluge of different models and eventually reduce their current portfolio by 1/2 and even then they will still make more models of phones than just about anyone else.

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“I have an E71 business phone, and I noticed that when the phone was locked it popped up a dialog that obscured the notifications. I asked, ‘Can you make it 5mm smaller, please?’. They investigated the code in the phone and said ‘We can’t find the piece of code that could shift it up 5mm.’ They said, ‘There’s 20 million lines of code in the phone – it’s impossible.’”

To me this quote is a perfect example of why they're in shambles. Sounds like they are even lacking basic systems to control their software products.
Let's just hope that Meego brings some hope back. I'm sure Intel wouldn't put up with such sloppy programming that you couldn't even find some of your own code.

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Originally Posted by Enyibinakata View Post
Just read the excerpt below. A bone chiller !
Yes, Symbian is pretty awful. Aren't you glad Nokia is moving away from it?
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Originally Posted by dantonic View Post
They investigated the code in the phone and said ‘We can’t find the piece of code that could shift it up 5mm.’ They said, ‘There’s 20 million lines of code in the phone – it’s impossible.’”

To me this quote is a perfect example of why they're in shambles. Sounds like they are even lacking basic systems to control their software products.
Let's just hope that Meego brings some hope back. I'm sure Intel wouldn't put up with such sloppy programming that you couldn't even find some of your own code.
TBH every project sooner or later grows to the point where there are parts covered with cobweb, parts written by dudes who are now retirees, worked on by 20 people with 20 different goals, and simply put, hard to manage. Seriously, no silver bullet there (the Linux kernel suffers from this too). The difference between good and bad projects is how quick they get to the unmanageable state and whether they know when it's really time to innovate (and how). Symbian (especially if you count the Psion/EPOC part) is by far the oldest of the current lot and has had thus the most time to accumulate cruft (and boy it did). But all this is old news, (even ) Nokia figured it out when they did the whole Symbian foundation reform thingie a little while back.
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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Yes, Symbian is pretty awful. Aren't you glad Nokia is moving away from it?
Actually if you look at their S^3 and S^4 investment I think they're doubling down on Symbian rather than moving away. I agree with you though. I see no benefit to having two smartphone OSes. MeeGo for all smartphones and S40/S60 for everything else. The N8 is nice but I think it would be better if it was MeeGo.
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Sounds like Nokia is experiencing the same problem as other larger companies are experiencing from time to time. At a certain size/age(s), the leading positions eventually gets filled up by persons that are good at maneuvering and climbing within corporate structures, mistakenly taken for good leadership and initiative. Nokia is rotting from the inside in other word, filled up by bureaucrats and dilettants essentially. This cannot be fixed without a change in the top management.

What he meant by no Americans and no foreigners has nothing to do with nationalism. Nokia is a Finish company, and the culture is Finish. They need someone that understands this culture and does things the Finish way. Foreign leaders will always try to bring their culture with them, and this leads to tons of unnecessary tension and wasted energy and no results.

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Originally Posted by bsving View Post
What he meant by no Americans and no foreigners has nothing to do with nationalism. Nokia is a Finish company, and the culture is Finish. They need someone that understands this culture and does things the Finish way. Foreign leaders will always try to bring their culture with them, and this leads to tons of unnecessary tension and wasted energy and no results.
Had that been the attitude in the article, it would have come across as reasonable and less nationalistic, but that wasn't quite the way he put it.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Originally Posted by PradaBrada View Post
@Nokia: burn motafuka! burn!
Sadly, I have to hesitantly agree with your sentiment (although I really don't agree with your choice of words).
I see you haven't learned a lot from the last thread.... You should really take a good look at who you're "siding" with on some of this stuff. A lot can be said by the type of people you hang out with (and thank/agree with).

Being critical or even a little negative is totally fine. But there are lines between being critical and just being an ***, or calling for violence. When you're willing to cross those lines, for no real tangible reason other then to satisfy your own sense of self esteem, you become one of them... just like garyc.

Nobody grows up saying "I'm going to be a tarded jack hole on the internet one day!" But it happens. Don't be one of them... (I'm talking to more that just Prada and Danramos here.)

Have a nice weekend.
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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
I see you haven't learned a lot from the last thread.... You should really take a good look at who you're "siding" with on some of this stuff. A lot can be said by the type of people you hang out with (and thank/agree with).

Being critical or even a little negative is totally fine. But there are lines between being critical and just being an ***, or calling for violence. When you're willing to cross those lines, for no real tangible reason other then to satisfy your own sense of self esteem, you become one of them... just like garyc.

Nobody grows up saying "I'm going to be a tarded jack hole on the internet one day!" But it happens. Don't be one of them... (I'm talking to more that just Prada and Danramos here.)

Have a nice weekend.
WHOA! Dammit, man! I actually DID say that growing up! heh

BUT! To make it clear, agreeing with sentiments isn't the same as agreeing with their tact or level of civility. Additionally, I cleared up my position on Nokia itself. I was wrong to attribute the nationalistic attitude to them, so I retract my statement of agreement with Prada on that one (assuming Prada is still saying that).

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