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Originally Posted by afaq View Post
I think they will have to re-do the entire Symbian UI - get rid of blocks and double tapping, change colours/icons and stop restricting the desktop widgets to limited size etc.
there is no double tapping in symbian^3.
colours and icons is just a theme, there should not be any complaints about that as symbian is fully themeable by anyone.

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I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.
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Orbit been axed. Orbit was the new Qt based UI/Ux for S^4. Elop also said that the binary break for Symbian has been cancelled, so there is going to be at least somekind of Avkon support.

So the two biggest changes in S^4 are gone, and whatever is coming to Symbian won't be what S^4 was supposed to be.
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It's amazing how we (geeks/nerds/gadget freaks) think so much about a platform.

My girlfriend bought a blue N8 (CWM) and absolutely loves it.
"It has facebook"
"I can check my email"
"Pictures are awesome"

That who N8 is targeted at. Not at kernel compilers or bash experts.
It strikes me even more when sites like Engadget do not see this. Keep on insisting in outdated or clunky UI as if this kind of stuff matters...

Price is the first point "normal" people look at:
"How much is an iPhone sir?"
"okay, what about the N8?"

Same goes for plans that include the phone.
Seems that along the lines of iOS/Android/Maemo/MeeGo/WebOS/etc the argument of usefulness was lost.


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Posts: 376 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jun 2010
This is the best & great news from Nokia ever heardsince long long time. so the future of Symbian & MeeGo is starting from now. Cooooooooooooooooooooool

My next devise will be Nokia E7 then Nokia N9.


Last edited by !!Nokia N900!!; 2010-10-22 at 10:53.
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Wow. Cambridge Symbian office closed completly and 300 layed off from London Symbian Office. Add the 600 finnish Symbian jobs lost, cancellation of Orbit, Avkon getting second life, Symbian Foundation leader leaving.....

Elop sent Symbian to the hospice yesterday. Let's hope that the dying doesn't take too long or be too painful.

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Elop sent Symbian to the hospice yesterday. Let's hope that the dying doesn't take too long or be too painful.
And this was made just when Symbian was becoming good again.
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Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.
If you're gonna try and be authoritative, at least be precise. Linux is a kernel; a very configurable and capable open source kernel for big iron and phones alike. It's not an OS.

That said, now begone with you. This is, not And after you leave here, don't go bothering the nice folk over at either. Kay?

Thanks, and have a nice day!
N9: Go white or go home

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so, will Symbian^3 be as strong and smooth as Android?
Posts: 376 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by ericsson View Post
I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.
Sure, it will definitely apply for E7 as well. It is meant for Symbian^3 in general.

Really what a relief.huuuuuuh. we were waiting for long time for such am improvement from Nokia.

Hope things go as we want..


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