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i think i have a help for you my friend.
I had exactly the same issue, high idle cpu usage, at first i started deleting everything that was recomended (cpumem, flashlight extra etc), then installed power top and started monitoring the process, took a little to really understand the info (im no programer neither a linux user till now).
then i noticed that the phone was waking too much from sleep, about 1500 times as per power top, the most active process was the core with nohz process as i investigated a little ive learned that this was only closing application that were opened and did not clos alone when idle, so the problem was something else that was opening.
the next suspect was the mmcqd process, almost 60 times in 30 seconds, again i started looking and mmcqd was being used as kind of a back up due to a delay on the proccesing of data from the memory card (not still sure about this part, but i found reports of thsi kind of behaviour on n800 also). So i unplugged the microsd, voila almost tottaly flat for 9 hours, wakeups went to 600 on powertop and average time in idle per process is now about 2 sec (it was like 0,6 before).
the funny thing is that i only have music on the microsd, not a even on link to data needed by any other process on the phone. Ill start checking if this problem is from a defective microsd or is due to a problem with some kind of data traker (could be a tracker for music or general data, but again i have only music on the microsd) from linux (hope is the first one because i have no chance of fixing the second one).
Soooooooo fo make it easy UNPLUG THE MICROSD CARD AND ITS FIXED!
Kind of good and kind of bad, i really like to have 14gb more of musci on the phone.
hope this helps you!

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Thank you for your informative message but I would recommend you to first read trough this thread and see that removing microsd was one of first things recommended and also issue is not high cpu usage.
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Thanks vaporeso, but as slender already mentioned - I've thought about it loooong time ago, and removing the microSD card didn't help at all... Thanks for trying to help though
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Originally Posted by efekt View Post
I tried uninstalling Catorise, and reinstalling hildon-desktop - both did not help...

You are forgiven, son

Well, as I mentioned - that powertool dump has probably caught the moment when my CPU raised and started sipping on my battery. Here's another dump with a more 'subtle' behavior:

Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 31769us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   3.9% |          |   600 MHz |   1.3% |
     C1 |   2.3% |    2.4ms |   550 MHz |   0.0% |
     C2 |  65.3% |   21.0ms |   500 MHz |   3.6% |
     C3 |  15.2% |  120.5ms |   250 MHz |  95.1% |
     C4 |  13.3% |  666.6ms | 

IRQ#    | Activity   | Type           | Name
     61 |        929 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     37 |        897 |           INTC | gp
     11 |        709 |           INTC | prcm
     56 |        336 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     57 |        190 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     86 |         97 |           INTC | mmc1
I wonder why i2c_omap does have so much activity.

A few guesses:
When googling I found that this has something to do with
and therefore MicroSD card.

I read that you took out your MicroSD card but did you keep it out of the device and did you try flashing it without MicroSD?

On some other place I read a connection to "LCD Backlight:" but I
am not a N900 hardware expert.

Googling I also found these threads:

Maybe also interesting for you if you did not find this already:

The Following User Says Thank You to PMaff For This Useful Post:
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I had a similar problem and kept removing all the programs/widgets/etc. with any hint of a battery drain connection but I would still drain a full battery in about 4/5 hours when off WiFi, even if it was in my pocket the entire time. What finally fixed it was deactivating my SipGate account. I have not yet tried to reactivate it with different settings to see if it is possible to use this without a pocket full of batteries, but for now my battery life is very good.

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Originally Posted by PMaff View Post
I wonder why i2c_omap does have so much activity.

A few guesses:
When googling I found that this has something to do with
and therefore MicroSD card.

I read that you took out your MicroSD card but did you keep it out of the device and did you try flashing it without MicroSD?

On some other place I read a connection to "LCD Backlight:" but I
am not a N900 hardware expert.

Googling I also found these threads:

Maybe also interesting for you if you did not find this already:
Why would it make a difference if I reflash my device with or without the microSD card inserted? For the record, it was inserted while I reflashed...
And of course I tried leaving it out of the device for long, it didn't help either

Originally Posted by GaryHT627 View Post
I had a similar problem and kept removing all the programs/widgets/etc. with any hint of a battery drain connection but I would still drain a full battery in about 4/5 hours when off WiFi, even if it was in my pocket the entire time. What finally fixed it was deactivating my SipGate account. I have not yet tried to reactivate it with different settings to see if it is possible to use this without a pocket full of batteries, but for now my battery life is very good.
Thanks but I don't have any SIP accounts defined
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Originally Posted by efekt View Post
Why would it make a difference if I reflash my device with or without the microSD card inserted? For the record, it was inserted while I reflashed...
And of course I tried leaving it out of the device for long, it didn't help either
It was just a guess from what I have read.

I would try and keep it out of the N900 during reflash (reflashing all) with 1.3 .

Then I would wait quite a long time and check everything before I insert this microSD card again.

It's just what I would do in your case.
If the N900 still has battery drainage without microSD then I would know that there is a certain possibility, that the microSD card is not the root cause.

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Well that microSD card is long gone from my device and I don't use it anymore, but maybe I'll try your suggestion to reflash my firmware without the microSD being inside it - worth a shot...
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Originally Posted by efekt View Post
Well that microSD card is long gone from my device and I don't use it anymore, but maybe I'll try your suggestion to reflash my firmware without the microSD being inside it - worth a shot...
Did you find time to try it?
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Ah yea, sorry for not updating the thread.
Flashing without the microSD card didn't help

BUT! I conducted a little experiment - I switched my battery with my brother's girlfriend battery (she has a Nokia 5800) for a couple of hours, and waited BatteryGraph to log at least two hours of usage with that battery, and even though her battery was almost drained - look at that:

(Surrounded with a red box)
This led me to believe that my batteries are busted (maybe because of the excessive use of a stand-alone battery charger?), so I bought a new battery from EBay and it should arrive to me in this week or the next... I will update this thread as soon as I'll get it and use it for a while
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