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Which extra lines do you mean, do you have an example?

And which 4 extra lines are you planning to use?

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
Which extra lines do you mean, do you have an example?

And which 4 extra lines are you planning to use?
Apologies, I was not clear. (At all.)

So, I used these:
<project path="device/lge/hammerhead" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_lge_hammerhead" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
<project path="kernel/lge/hammerhead" name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
but I will use these (both forked from CyanogenMod):
<project path="device/lge/hammerhead" name="edp17/android_device_lge_hammerhead" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
<project path="kernel/lge/hammerhead" name="edp17/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
The "extra" 4 lines I planned to use but then dropped the idea when you suggested to not use them were:
<project path="hybris/droid-hal-version-hammerhead" name="edp17/droid-hal-version-hammerhead-12.1" revision="master" />
<project path="hybris/droid-configs" name="edp17/droid-config-hammerhead-12.1" revision="master" />
<project path="rpm" name="edp17/droid-hal-hammerhead-12.1" revision="master" />
<project path="vendor/lge" name="edp17/proprietary_vendor_lge" revision="stable/cm-12.1-YOG4P" />
My questions were about these last 4 lines. I have mock them up for the hammerhead because I have seen them in other devices' manifest files. Do you know the purpose of these?

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You have to make these repositories during the Adaptation. These contain the necessary files, to get everything working. This is explained in Chapter 7 of the HADK.

But first you need to get a working kernel after checking out the CM12.1 base.

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
You have to make these repositories during the Adaptation. These contain the necessary files, to get everything working. This is explained in Chapter 7 of the HADK.

But first you need to get a working kernel after checking out the CM12.1 base.
Yes, a working kernel would be very good for start.

I just have checked chapter 7 in the HADK.
Indeed it says I need to push some stuff into github, then upstreamed into and then create a PR in the appropriate branch. Then after these steps, I can add some extra lines into my local manifest.
As I said, I don't want to push anything to github yet. However I will need to create the rpm/droid-hal-version-hammerhead.spec anyway if I would like to go forward to package the HAL.

By the way, I expected to see an example hammerhead.xml in the 12.1 branch here as probably I am not the first who is doing this port. But there is no hammerhead.xml in there. Only bacon, espresso3g, falcon, kis3, onyx and pollux. I have checked all the 30 forks of mer-hybris/local_manifests and there is no file for the hammerhead in the hybris-12.1 branch.

I am also not sure why cannot add those lines into the local manifest before building the kernel, but I believe the HADK and follow it to avoid problems.

An extra question: at chapter 8.5 (Building the image with MIC) it says I need to use the latest non early access version at the release. That is however this HADK I am using is about So what version number should I st at the RELEASE? as the HADK shows or as the HADK suggests from the wiki page?

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You don't need to upload anything to github if you do not want to.

The example of the hammerhead.xml is in the hadk, just replace cm-11.0 with cm-12.1 and you are good to go. Just do step by step as it is in the HADK,

You can use the latest version to build everything at the end.

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Thank you. Now I started to compile the kernel (step 5.4 in the HADK), but the command 'make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal' failed.
The present kernel configuration has modules disabled.
Type 'make config' and enable loadable module support.
Then build a kernel with module support enabled.

make[2]: *** [modules_install] Error 1
make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/kernel/lge/hammerhead'
make: [TARGET_KERNEL_BINARIES] Error 2 (ignored)
mdpath=`find /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/system/lib/modules -type f -name modules.order`; if [ "$mdpath" != "" ];then mpath=`dirname $mdpath`; ko=`find $mpath/kernel -type f -name *.ko`; for i in $ko; do arm-eabi-strip --strip-unneeded $i; mv $i /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/system/lib/modules/; done; fi
mdpath=`find /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/system/lib/modules -type f -name modules.order`; if [ "$mdpath" != "" ];then mpath=`dirname $mdpath`; rm -rf $mpath; fi

#### make failed to build some targets (14:43 (mm:ss)) ####
Then I used the suggested command 'make config' but that also ended in error:
No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE hammerhead
make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.

#### make failed to build some targets (22 seconds) ####
Therefore I tried the 'make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal' command again. But I got:
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
hybris/hybris-boot/ ********************* /boot appears to live on /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
hybris/hybris-boot/ ********************* /data appears to live on /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/lge/hammerhead/apns-full-conf.xml:system/etc/apns-conf.xml ignored.
No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE hammerhead
make  -C kernel/lge/hammerhead O=/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/KERNEL_OBJ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE="/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache arm-eabi-" VARIANT_DEFCONFIG= SELINUX_DEFCONFIG= cyanogenmod_hammerhead_defconfig
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/kernel/lge/hammerhead'
target Symbolic: libc (/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/symbols/system/lib/
Install: /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/root/property_contexts
Install: /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/root/seapp_contexts
/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts: Multiple different specifications for /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/rgb  (u:object_r:livedisplay_sysfs:s0 and u:object_r:sysfs_hardware:s0).
Error loading context file from /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts
make: *** [/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts] Error 4
make: *** Deleting file `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts'
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
  GEN     /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/Makefile
# configuration written to .config
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/kernel/lge/hammerhead'

#### make failed to build some targets (19 seconds) ####
It reminds me for the old days, back to 20+ years ago when I compiled the kernel for my PC. However there was the good old 'make menuconfig' command to help with the configuration file.

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You can edit the defconfig files with an editor. The defconfig you need to edit is arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_hammerhead_defconfig.
Just enable the modules support(CONFIG_MODULES=y) and try again.

Maybe you need to do a 'make clean' before your next compile try.
Or copy your modified defconfig file to .config in your kernel/lge/hammerhead directory or do a 'make cyanogenmod_hammerhead_defconfig' before doing make hybris-hal.

Last edited by mautz; 2019-11-12 at 23:04.

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
You can edit the defconfig files with an editor. The defconfig you need to edit is arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_hammerhead_defconfig.
Just enable the modules support(CONFIG_MODULES=y) and try again.
Thank you! That was it.

Plus it seems my system doesn't like the 'make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal' or 'make -j2 hybris-hal' commands. Both gave me the 'make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....' error.
Now it is running with 'make hybris-hal'. Fingers crossed.
I will report once it finished or errored.

Edit: I tried without the 'make clean'. It is running ...

Last edited by edp17; 2019-11-12 at 23:08. Reason: Added extra info

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My happy was too early. This time it ran longer indeed but is still complaining about the missing file_contexts:
target Prebuilt:  (/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/kernel)
/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts: Multiple different specifications for /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/rgb  (u:object_r:livedisplay_sysfs:s0 and u:object_r:sysfs_hardware:s0).
Error loading context file from /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts
make: *** [/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts] Error 4
make: *** Deleting file `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts'

#### make failed to build some targets (21:57 (mm:ss)) ####
Now, I try the 'make clean' then start again.

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No, the 'make clean' didn't make any difference:
Install: /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/host/linux-x86/bin/checkfc
/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts: Multiple different specifications for /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb0/rgb  (u:object_r:livedisplay_sysfs:s0 and u:object_r:sysfs_hardware:s0).
Error loading context file from /home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts
make: *** [/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts] Error 4
make: *** Deleting file `/home/edp17/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/hammerhead/obj/ETC/file_contexts_intermediates/file_contexts'

#### make failed to build some targets (04:35 (mm:ss)) ####

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hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid

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