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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
When i try to OTA to the installation always gets stuck at:

[73 %] [Install] sociald-onedrive-images 0.1.54-10.24.1.jolla: [100 %]

Tried it a few times, always with a fresh install. Any suggestions?
Mine was doing same with twitterd or some other "social" package. As with mosen, a reboot (eventually from long press off power button) and after that again 'version --dup', and it was able to continue and update that and the rest of the packages to

Unfortunately accelerometer sensor and WIFI of my Nexus 5 died and no google factory image or amount of smacking the phone got them working again. This (accelerometer dying) seems to be common issue with Nexus 5. It's too bad; this port was getting really good and Nexus 5 felt optimal for me.

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When i shut it down it hags at the shutdown screen and after forcing the shutdown Sailfish doesn't start anymore and i have to reflash.

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
When i shut it down it hags at the shutdown screen and after forcing the shutdown Sailfish doesn't start anymore and i have to reflash.
Ah ok. I had that problem too after the second try out of three reflashings of mine. Not sure what caused that.

(I did several reflashes and sailfish upgrades when I was troubleshooting the accelerometer problem until I realized that the device itself was at fault.)

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Originally Posted by mautz View Post
Tried it a few times, always with a fresh install.
I had success with trying version --dup twice on same install.
First attempt got stuck at 82%.

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How did you cancel the stuck installation? Did you just abort it and then started version --dup again?

I'll give it another try.


I aborted the update, when it got stuck.

Now it is stuck at:


after starting version --dup again.
I think its a problem with packagekitd still runinng.

Last edited by mautz; 2016-08-11 at 16:45.

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No, i hard reseted with 10 seconds powerkey and boot went fine.
I did not need to reflash, so there is a difference in my case.
My impression was you reflashed just to be sure, as i understand now you had to reflash because boot failed after failed version --dup, correct?

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Yes, after the update got stuck i hard reseted the phone and now it does not boot anymore, so i ndeed to reflash. After i aborted the update i had to manually kill packagekitd or else version --dup hangs. After killing packagekitd it hangs at Installing (0%). I'm also not able to use a simple command like systemctl status dbusd, everything hangs and has to be aborted. I think i'll wait for the fixed dbus package.

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Network tool Fing does work inside sfdroid.

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I have tried flashing + OTA (deleted old SFOS ROM first and then added a new). I had a few trial and errors, but eventually flashing went very smooth.

The OTA hanged at 82%. Running version --dup again resulted in:


After a forced restart (using button) I managed to boot again, but version --dup didn't work unless I ran all the other commands first. Then it continued and installed the last 18% (took about 15-20 minutes).

"About product" stated that was installed and most stuff seems to be working. I didn't install sfdroid.

Found issues:
* Jolla store displays only a limited amount of apps. For instance: selecting "New Apps" will only list the first screen (16 apps) and it is not possible to scroll down.

Lessions learned:
* Delete the old ROM first and then install by adding a new ROM. My first attempt to flash CM12.1/SFOS zip files using Advanced=>Multirom => List Roms => <Sailfish ROM> =>Flash Zip resulted in strange problems and factory reset didn't work.

* I started the OTA update in handset terminal but soon realized that it would go a lot faster using ssh instead. For some reason ssh didn't work so I tried to toggle developer mode (this was after I had entered 'update mode', i.e. after I had executed 'ssu release $RELEASE') this resulted in most apps disappearing (including terminal) and also most options in settings menu (including developer options) so the phone was more or less useless. It was not possible to continue update since terminal was lost and ssh was not possible. => Reflash again! I guess this is the same problem reported in

Let me know if you need more information/logs.

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DO i need a newer version of cm12.1 as the one linked in the first post, i'm not sure because of this:

DO NOT attempt an OTA to 2.0.2.X yet. If you want sfdroid support and are on an older base ("SNAPSHOT" cm12.1 build), you won't be able to get support from OTA'ing -- you must reflash using the new base.

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hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid

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