Poll: whats you next phone after the n900
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whats you next phone after the n900

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Posts: 4 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2011
I used a Galaxy S for a little while, but I couldn't get used to how bad android was, and not having a physical keyboard - then I thought maybe they'd fix it with more hardware, allowing REAL multitasking, so i bought a DROID 3, but that has annoyed me to all end, so I bought another N900. N9 lacks a physical keyboard which i have grown far to used to (especially gaming on mobile devices hardware buttons is a godsend), despite my looking, an N950 has not been available to purchase for me.
Posts: 266 | Thanked: 156 times | Joined on Jun 2011 @ India
so guys N900 supports 32gb??? does it work fine???
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I will stick with the N900 for the foreseeable future.

The only phone I can really accept is an upgraded N900, with an update Maemo (well, some other, similar OS would be fine, but there is nothing practical on the horizon)

The N950 comes close, but it has the wrong kind of touch screen. Those things are too weird and sensitive, and need a special stylus (and I don't think it comes with one, or a slot for one). Hartman might be ok (still Maemo underneath, not "true" Meego), although really I am rather fond of Hildon.

But even things like Mer are off in rpm/qt land now, so I think the only way to get newer Maemo would be to become a good enough programmer, and do it myself. And no one with the necessary resources cares about the needed hardware.
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My USB broke so I sent it to Nokia expecting a N8 or E7 in return so I bought a Xperia Play.... And they gave me back a refurbished N900! Unpredictable Nokia. So unfortunately I'll be selling a very nice looking N900 on ebay ):
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I thought I would miss my Nokia N900 since getting my Samsung Galaxy S II, but to be honest I haven't.

My SGS2 is amazing and is doing everything my Nokia N900 use to do and more and it's doing it faster. I've also yet to drop it and the size is perfect for my hand and I have not had one failure yet, even though I am on my 5th ROM. It's an awesome device and I am so happy that I could go from one awesome device (N900) to another (SGS2). :-)
My Nokia N900 is my website, still up an running for the Maemo community. My Nokia N900 is upgraded to 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1.1 ~ CSSU ready ~ Overclocked ~ Speed patched ~ Swappolube ~ was running 7 desktops ~ 270 apps and counting ~ Multi-Boot with Standard Kernel , Kernel Power and NITDroid N12 "UMay".
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Originally Posted by visN900 View Post
so guys N900 supports 32gb??? does it work fine???
Yes, I've had one in my n900 for almost a year (class 4, SanDisk black-friday special from 2010).

As for the poll: I had my N6230 for almost 5 years before moving to the N900. I suspect I'll have the N900 for at least as long, baring some hardware failure or some critical must-have hardware comes along. (eg GSM freq change or the like.) Between the Otterbox, and having filled off the pins on my charger & data cables in the first few weeks of owning it (when people started reporting USB issues), I figure I'm in pretty good shape hardware wise.

I still keep an eye on where the mobil market is going, but haven't seen anything quite like the N900. Between the solid hardware, reasonable specs, and the awesome community here, I think it's going to be a sad day when the time comes to move.

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Originally Posted by 48GX View Post
my next phone after the n900 that I have is another NIB n900.
Curiously enough, I'm on the same route: I originally grew so enamoured of the N900 that I managed (thanks to a friend) to snag another one, NIB, without paying the tripled price (id est, <$400USD versus circa $900 USD). Originally, this was because I enjoyed and got so much use out of the phone I knew I'd be hating life when/if it were ever physically damaged, HW fail, whatever.

Now, I'm content to continue using the original, with the NIB one on ice; even purchased extra batteries + another extended Mugen battery (my third) to keep NIB, inasmuch as one can do that with Lith Ion batteries.

As a phone, it works as a phone...Which for me, is what I need/want out of a phone. As a handheld-device, it works great at that, as well, though honestly I feel it has drawbacks (which the N950 addresses....).

That said, anyone with a new-in-box N950 which they feel like selling Yours Truly for a pittance is free to contact me -- that would likely cause me to 'upgrade' to a (technically) different phone....

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i had a run with a wave 2 the other day, it sucks, i wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but i do recommend android.......
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Has anyone had any extended play time with the Samsung Galaxy Note?
I am considering getting this as the hardware looks sufficiently upgraded and the large screen I am hoping would compensate for no HW keyboard. A friend also mentioned the new Motorola Razr today which I am just trying to find out about. Anyone played with that one also?
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I think the only phones an N900 enthusiast would consider are:
-Another N900
-Galaxy Note
-Galaxy Nexus

If you consider anything but those sounds like you've outgrown the niche and are more accustomed to a Appy-phones:
-iPhone 4 / 4S
-Nokia N9
-Droid 3 / RAZR
-SGSII / Xperia Play

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