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I need newer git to N900. I made deb-packages for version 1.7.9. It needs busybox-power because of stat -c in postinst. There are older version on extras-devel, so I'm not yet overwriting it. Download from: (you need git-man and git).

I have cloned repositories (on N900) which are failing with git-1.6.5.

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Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen View Post
I need newer git to N900. I made deb-packages for version 1.7.9. It needs busybox-power because of stat -c in postinst.
Why not make it dependent on gnucoreutils and use gstat in postinst?

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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Why not make it dependent on gnucoreutils and use gstat in postinst?
Or one of both. I mean I have busybox-power installed but I don't have gnucore utils installed.
One of them is sufficient though...
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Why not make it dependent on gnucoreutils and use gstat in postinst?
Why dependent on some random package, rather than omni-present busybox-power? At least, everyone with single brain cell working have the latter, while former may be absent on some systems.

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Last edited by Estel; 2013-06-18 at 17:17.

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Why dependent on some random package, rather than omni-present busybox-power? At least, everyone with single brain cell working have the latter, while former may be absent on some systems.

Wouldn't call it random, one of the most useful packages (when doing some actual work and stripped down versions of most commands do not cut it). I have both, but busybox power is more intrusive (replaces a thing on your device) while gnu coreutils installs side by side (you can use g<command> for gnu, but you don't have to). Had to install those as busybox tar is lacking for example. I guess my cell is overworked (and lonely).

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Both good points, that's why I opted to go for an "or" solution...

if bb-p present
do nothing special
ifelse install gnu-coreutils
N900 loaded with:
CSSU-T (Thumb)
720p recording,
Pierogi, Lanterne, Cooktimer, Frogatto
N9 16GB loaded with:
[TCPdump & libpcap | ngrep]

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Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Both good points, that's why I opted to go for an "or" solution...

if bb-p present
do nothing special
ifelse install gnu-coreutils
Optional dependencies are PITA to get on our autobuilder structure. OTOH, putting such things in postinst&friends is very failprone to customs setups.

Of course I agree with szopin than gnucoreutils is nice package - it's jsut that "essential" isn't the same for everyone. As for bb-power, we're at least using component that was already on N900, just updated. Also, it would be in CSSU for sure, if not for some random, clueless (in this particular case) hater, who had too much non-meritocratic impact on cssu maintainer - but, that's OT story here.

N900's aluminum backcover / body replacement
N900's HDMI-Out
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I pushed working git- to the extras-devel.

Discussion about busybox-power and coreutils-gnu was not relevant. It just needs thinking. As these are equivalent:
stat -c $FILE
stat $FILE | grep Inode | awk '{print $4}'
I had once problems with https and certificates. Now I think I got them. Feel free to report issues ("verify that the CA cert is OK") and hopefully somebody helps. Ugliest thing to do, if you just need something cloned in hurry:
GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https...
or use plain http (there are reasons why https exists)

This might help with debugging.
And I'm still voting for upgrading libc. This time I hit
But luckily there was workaround for it.

Last edited by AapoRantalainen; 2014-03-02 at 14:59. Reason: typo fixed

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Fixed: gitk and git-gui also optified and dependencies corrected.

Git-gui depends on hamsterfiler, because it needs to open file browser on target directory, and seems ossofilemanager can't do that.

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First big thanks to you for taking care of the old git on Maemo again!

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen View Post
I pushed working git- to the extras-devel.

Discussion about busybox-power and coreutils-gnu was not important. It just needs thinking. As these are equivalent:
[CODE]stat -c $FILE
stat $FILE | grep Inode | awk '{print $4}'
Nicely done!

Also the perl dependencies may make `git add -i` work: it did not with git-core 1.6.6-1maemo1.

There might still be something wrong regarding dependencies though: why does have to depend on less and nano?
The above previous version worked fine with any $EDITOR and $PAGER (e.g. with more and vi from stock busybox), so maybe these dependencies are superfluous.

Also it looks like git-svn is still missing some dependencies (libsvn-perl | libsvn-core-perl), any plan to also package them?

Enough complaining, trying the new version now!

Cheers and keep up the good work, it is appreciated!

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