Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.03 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: 9000
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-05-16, 08:15
Replies: 308
Views: 174,514
Posted By 9000
Re: [HOWTO] N900 Bluetooth-PAN Tethering (N900 supplies Internet Access for PC)

Slow down a bit. Can your laptop 2 ping after manually setting up the ip address. Have you set the netmask and gateway right. You would better show me the output of 'route' (for Linux) or...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-08-30, 02:28
Replies: 35
Views: 9,423
Posted By 9000
Re: n900 swimming: now dead!

True. Rice is just a moderate drying agent and it is dusty.

Buying a bag of silicon gel (see attachment) and immerse your phone in them in a air-tight container. Silicon gel is a pretty strong...
Forum: General 2011-08-15, 18:30
Replies: 186
Views: 52,190
Posted By 9000
Re: Google buying Motorola - now will MS buy Nokia?

Let's see, current NOK price 6.17*1.6 ~='s just a barely more than the max. over the past six month. Elop did a good job making Nokia a delicious company for buyout.:D
Forum: General 2011-08-12, 03:15
Replies: 24
Views: 8,387
Posted By 9000
Re: Nokia still king of the handset

I'm not saying selling goods at high profit is evil, I'm just talking about how people perceive it. Let me explain.

The profit margin increase when the economics of scale has been achieved....
Forum: General 2011-08-12, 01:25
Replies: 24
Views: 8,387
Posted By 9000
Re: Nokia still king of the handset

People like to spotlight and worship companies selling goods at high profit margin, while ditching companies selling goods in high volume but at a relatively lower profit margin. ;)
Forum: General 2011-08-12, 00:58
Replies: 24
Views: 8,387
Posted By 9000
Re: Nokia still king of the handset

The king of mobile industry....

having a clown taken the throne.
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-08-09, 02:14
Replies: 45
Views: 11,113
Posted By 9000
Re: Just got a 900

I thought the same until it suddenly fell off from its socket last Sunday. Well.... :o
Forum: General 2011-07-29, 03:45
Replies: 116
Views: 35,523
Posted By 9000
Re: The End Of Nokia

"Elop Effect" is in fact a different, but much worse, scenario of Osborne Effect, as Osborne only mistakenly killed his current line of product in favor of his own unreleased product, but Elop...
Forum: Applications 2011-07-20, 07:46
Replies: 28
Views: 9,730
Posted By 9000
Re: Nokia N900 Cool Effect

Asking anyone to read a vi manual is ridiculous enough to me. Sane people should just learn to use vi by randomly hitting the keys. :D (j/k)

@pedrocoba if you want a similar effect without having...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-07-12, 02:42
Replies: 16
Views: 9,685
Posted By 9000
Re: Reliable IM service for use with N900?

I use telepathy-haze+account-plugin-haze for MSN and I've no lost message issues whatsoever (while I occasionally have that issue in PC, strange). I can even receive offline messages, which can...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-07-04, 07:35
Replies: 111
Views: 37,156
Posted By 9000
Re: Would you buy N950 if it is available for purchase?

That's okay, and good. I voted yes simply because I'd like to see some progress, no matter how little it is. I'm the 'shutup and please take my money for a Meego device with hw keyboard" kind. ;)
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-07-04, 03:42
Replies: 111
Views: 37,156
Posted By 9000
Thumbs up Would you buy N950 if it is available for purchase?

Nobody has started a poll on this straight forward question yet. Inform me otherwise.

I'd have started this as a petition, but I think it's better to just voice out your opinion rather than give...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-06-26, 17:48
Replies: 308
Views: 174,514
Posted By 9000
Re: [HOWTO] N900 Bluetooth-PAN Tethering (N900 supplies Internet Access for PC)

Just as I thought, the eeePad has pretty short timeout period for DHCP request, so timing is very crucial. Thanks for your sharing. One more device confirmed to work. ;)
Forum: General 2011-06-23, 10:13
Replies: 254
Views: 90,935
Posted By 9000
Re: Elop on Helsingin Sanomat: N9 the last Meego phone even if it is succesfull.

It's not totally different article. If you compared them, you'd find that HS used a lot of the comments from REUTERS, if not the analysts' name, from the article I linked.

I'm reading the HS...
Forum: General 2011-06-23, 09:03
Replies: 254
Views: 90,935
Posted By 9000
Re: Elop on Helsingin Sanomat: N9 the last Meego phone even if it is succesfull.

Why not just read the news in English:

The alleged "first and last" in HS was from Carolina Milanesi; and as you can see in...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-06-23, 03:22
Replies: 114
Views: 40,252
Posted By 9000
Re: Why I am getting a Nokia N9 (are you?)

@mrojas that's right, freedom of choice is most important. Back when I were managing console game development for a pretty small software house, we were shackled by the harsh terms and conditions set...
Forum: Competitors 2011-06-23, 02:23
Replies: 40
Views: 12,633
Posted By 9000
Re: bunanson wants to buy viewsonic gtablet $260 shipped; any advice?

Are you sure your LG Optimus V could provide infrastructure mode WiFi hotspot? Most phones can only provide ad hoc WiFi hotspot due to hardware limitation. The default G-Tablet cannot connect to ad...
Forum: Competitors 2011-06-23, 01:48
Replies: 40
Views: 12,633
Posted By 9000
Re: bunanson wants to buy viewsonic gtablet $260 shipped; any advice?

It can't connect to ad hoc wifi and has no bluetooth-pan profile. Therefore if you wanna tether to your mobile phone for internet connection you might have to struggle a bit, unless you could find an...
Forum: Community 2011-06-23, 00:19
Replies: 61
Views: 31,650
Posted By 9000
Re: Thanks... goodbye.

This is not nice. Like we are attending a furneral in memorial of someone just to find him breaking out of coffin to make more memory with us. I understand how lonely you would have been in other...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2011-06-22, 16:07
Replies: 25
Views: 9,611
Posted By 9000
Re: "We want Nokia to keep MeeGo" petition

I agree with Frappacino. I think it's better to take a positive approach in petition if you'd like to make an influence. I do believe Elop has hidden agenda, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't betray...
Forum: General 2011-06-22, 02:11
Replies: 5
Views: 5,185
Posted By 9000
Re: Can't connect via WINSCP after 2 minutes of idle

Turn off powersave in WiFi setting.
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-06-21, 06:47
Replies: 10,476
Views: 2,717,808
Posted By 9000
Re: N9: It's finally here

No keyboard and non-replaceable battery....

The commanding voice of Elop "make the first MeeGo device failed" echoing in my head.

EDIT: Oh I just saw the spec. of N950. A developer device with...
Forum: General 2011-06-20, 13:56
Replies: 14
Views: 4,821
Posted By 9000
Re: Apple could buy the mobile phone industry

Oh just found the information about this happy analyst who has an optimistic concept on money.

HORACE DEDIU - Horace has eight years of experience as an industry analyst and business development...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2011-06-20, 06:55
Replies: 8
Views: 4,236
Posted By 9000
Re: is it Possible: Wifi and GPRS/3G simultaneously?

You could try these in your N900:

iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key [WEP key]
iwconfig wlan0 essid "[ESSID]"
ifconfig wlan0 netmask up

(192.168.1 is the WiFi...
Forum: Nokia N900 2011-06-20, 06:38
Replies: 308
Views: 174,514
Posted By 9000
Re: [HOWTO] N900 Bluetooth-PAN Tethering (N900 supplies Internet Access for PC)

It'd really help if you could feedback the problems you encountered in details. Nevertheless, you've done correctly on N900 in view of the output in #157.

Have you triggered the "Tethering" under...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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