Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.51 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: tortoisedoc
Forum: Buy & Sell 2018-08-06, 08:23
Replies: 22
Views: 4,904
Posted By Dousan
Re: Ok, I've already decided. I want to buy a Jolla 1. Does anyone sell one?

This does not make sense :confused:

The Jolla 1 would be a second hand and therefore Jolla already got their money and wouldn't benefit from this sale. On the other hand if you buy an Xperia x...
Forum: Buy & Sell 2018-08-06, 07:57
Replies: 22
Views: 4,904
Posted By endsormeans
Re: Ok, I've already decided. I want to buy a Jolla 1. Does anyone sell one?

As per your thread title ...
Are you really really REALLY sure you are sure?
I think you may still be waffling ...

Screw the ancient outdated first Jolla phone ...
Get something cool, hip,...
Forum: Jolla Tablet 2018-07-22, 13:06
Replies: 1,396
Views: 406,835
Posted By alfredquack
Re: Youyota Tablet Contact

thanx for the link. I was already looking into that one, but I'm afraid it's kinda too big for me to have it just carring around all the time.
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-07-19, 20:40
Replies: 36
Views: 13,084
Posted By deprecated
Re: Sailfish Devices in The United States

I live in Chicago and use T-Mobile prepaid. Bought my Xperia X from B&H Photo and Video and bought my Sailfish license using an American credit card and a PIA VPN to Finland.
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-07-19, 18:08
Replies: 36
Views: 13,084
Posted By taixzo
Re: Sailfish Devices in The United States

I bought it through the Opera VPN using US billing information and a US credit card.
Forum: Competitors 2018-07-15, 00:46
Replies: 15
Views: 7,566
Posted By gerbick
Re: Linux Apps on Chrome OS Tablet

Dream for some. (Overly surveilled) nightmare for others.

In the end, the interoperability might end up being a gateway into proper Linux if only the ****ing software was more compelling than the...
Forum: Applications 2018-06-25, 12:09
Replies: 11
Views: 3,929
Posted By cvp
Re: Reswitched - fusee-gelee-launcher

i want send a payload.bin to the switch. Nothing more :)
Forum: Applications 2018-06-25, 07:10
Replies: 11
Views: 3,929
Posted By pichlo
Re: Reswitched - fusee-gelee-launcher

Sure, why not? After all what good is it without? :confused:[/QUOTE]

I may be mistaken as I do not follow the scene (because I do not really care), but... isn't there a proper Linux available for...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-06-24, 15:53
Replies: 3
Views: 3,751
Posted By meemorph
Lightbulb SailfishOS on Gemini PDA at Planet Computers


you can try sailfish os community version on the Gemini PDA. You can select it as 2nd or 3rd boot option in the PartitionTool ( on...
Forum: Jolla Tablet 2018-05-15, 11:24
Replies: 1,396
Views: 406,835
Posted By Pim
Re: Youyota Tablet Contact

Yes and the sad thing is that the UI of SailfishOS 2 is very suited to tablets. Perhaps even more than to phones.

It would work better on more modern hardware with more memory than the Jolla...
Forum: Jolla Tablet 2018-05-14, 10:14
Replies: 1,396
Views: 406,835
Posted By john_god
Re: Youyota Tablet Contact

I followed this topic with close attention form the beggining, one of the things I thought it was wrong was the fact that they iirc initially targeted 1000 units but then the factory asked for a...
Forum: Competitors 2018-05-10, 07:57
Replies: 38
Views: 11,478
Posted By kinggo
Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

so......... jolla is doing everything just to run android apps on linux while google is now doing the opposite...... Can we get this the right way please :confused:
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-05-02, 02:33
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By gerbick
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

Is it stupid of me to ask whether or not this move will produce products that are trustworthy? Too early to tell?
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2018-04-27, 11:03
Replies: 29
Views: 8,747
Posted By juiceme
Re: "Nokia N9 Rising From the Grave?"

I beg to disagree;
Harmattan belongs to MS; meego is open source (and yes, RPM based!)

That'd be quite a blow below the belt, for HMD to come up with a re-wamped MeeGo version on a re-furbished...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-25, 18:48
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By nthn
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

You're wrongly reading a lot of things into a simple statement, and it seems you've completely missed what the preceeding 10 posts were about. There's no longer a godhead, so there's no longer anyone...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-25, 16:42
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By nthn
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

I indeed only meant to say that the new people in charge are no longer the charismatic types who come to community meetings and genuinely (seem to) care, instead they're typical talking heads only...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-25, 13:32
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By pichlo
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

In all fairness, he did not say they make money. Only that they want to.
Forum: Competitors 2018-04-25, 11:28
Replies: 190
Views: 87,556
Posted By explit
Re: Gemini PDA (the return of the Psion Series 5MX)

Gemini PDA is available for buying on their website.

Waiting for my salary.... :(
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-23, 06:57
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By pichlo
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

FWIW, it seems like we have exhausted all that can be possibly said on "Rostelecom investment in Jolla". The options are, currently, either to keep this thread alive by discussing reality of reality,...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-20, 21:12
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By juiceme
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

Well the Dune film was directed by David Lynch so it is not your usual cup-of-tea... ever seen Eraserhead? :eek:

But honestly I did enjoy it, even though of course it did not live up to the book;...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-19, 20:55
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By juiceme
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

Indeed, Herbert is one of my favourites. He has honed to perfection the way to present philosophical ideas in entertaining fiction which is evident in pretty much all his writings, not only in Dune...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-18, 05:31
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By pichlo
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

From the point of view of the worm living inside that apple, it looks more like the tree has been cut from the apple (a bit like the famous, though, sadly, probably apocryphal, 1950's British...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-16, 22:36
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By Feathers McGraw
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

Please stay! We need more critical thinkers.
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-16, 16:34
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By pichlo
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

Regarding brainwashing... My other half and I grew up in different countries but both in the Soviet bloc and are both familiar with the commie propaganda about the rotten West, exploitation of fellow...
Forum: SailfishOS 2018-04-16, 13:08
Replies: 148
Views: 38,155
Posted By nthn
Re: Rostelecom investment in Jolla

"The Siver Telegram is world newspaper." (

Well, that makes it clear. All of those names listed sure seem legit to me! And that lone comment at the bottom must be...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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