Forum: Troubleshooting
2008-11-26, 16:58
Replies: 2
Views: 3,866
Re: Camera won't flip on n800 with os 08
I have the same problem. The only solution I've found is to shut off the unit and remove the battery for a few minutes. That will temporally solve the problem, but it will return and you will need...
Forum: Applications
2008-09-25, 18:03
Replies: 272
Views: 47,185
Forum: Accessories
2008-08-12, 13:00
Replies: 6
Views: 4,512
Re: DIY NIT "laptop adapter"
Could you post a picture of the back of the N800 on the mount? I'm wondering how you dealt with the N800's fold out stand.
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-07-23, 14:41
Replies: 25
Views: 3,776
Forum: News
2008-07-17, 18:28
Replies: 70
Views: 34,878
Forum: Accessories
2008-06-30, 20:52
Replies: 18
Views: 7,194
Re: n810 through car speakers?
My car stero has an aux. input on it that uses 2 RCA style inputs. I have a cord that I plug into the headphone jack on my N800 and the other end is under the dash connected to the aux. input on the...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-06-28, 03:32
Replies: 66
Views: 22,989
Re: Diablo & N800 camera question
I had the problem before I installed the camera app.
But I do believe I have it fixed. I removed the camera app, shutdown the tablet and removed the battery for 10 minutes. The camera appears to...
Forum: General
2008-06-28, 00:04
Replies: 3
Views: 2,448
Re: TuxPaint
Go here..
do a search for tuxpaint.
The packages at look old. If I recall correctly it is a bit slow loading.
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-06-27, 13:09
Replies: 66
Views: 22,989
Forum: Development
2008-06-26, 20:31
Replies: 107
Views: 22,954
Re: The Diablo Bug Thread
The camera on my N800 does not flip to righ side up when rotated.
Where is the offical place to report bugs?
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-06-26, 18:07
Replies: 66
Views: 22,989
Diablo & N800 camera question
I seam to rember in previous releases of Maemo the N800 camera would flip the image when roataed, this does not happen with Diablo.
Is there a way to fix this, or is it a bug.
Forum: Alternatives
2008-06-20, 19:33
Replies: 338
Views: 120,236
Re: Running Debian in a chroot
I think I've got it fixed. qole, I did use notepad in Windoze, I was thinking about that on my way into work today (I hate M$). So I used leafpad and made a new debian script, that did not work,...
Forum: Alternatives
2008-06-20, 02:53
Replies: 338
Views: 120,236
Re: Running Debian in a chroot
I get the same weather it's munted or not
/home/user # debian
Setting up the chroot...
': No such file or directorytfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko
': No such file or...
Forum: Alternatives
2008-06-19, 19:57
Replies: 338
Views: 120,236
Re: Running Debian in a chroot
I'm confused again. I partitioned and formated my 4gb memory card that I keep in the internal slot of my N800, it is setup as follows.
/dev/mmcblk0p1 - fat, for general file storage
Forum: Alternatives
2008-06-17, 18:40
Replies: 338
Views: 120,236
Re: Running Debian in a chroot
Please correct me if I'm wrong. To install PenguinBait's KDE I would chroot into Debian, download his KDE installer and install with dpkg.
Forum: Alternatives
2008-06-17, 17:10
Replies: 338
Views: 120,236
Re: Running Debian in a chroot
I have a few questions to try to clear up some confusion I have.
I'm currently using the Debian beta3 intended for a dual boot system, but I'm not dual booting.
1. Is it better to used one of...
Forum: General
2008-06-16, 12:50
Replies: 183
Views: 54,930
Re: n900 coming at end of Q3 2008
I for one do not want to have my tablet be a phone. How do you access the info or add info to the tablet while your on the phone? If they were to add a phone than the tablet would only be useful...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-05-14, 15:45
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-26, 16:09
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Re: Desktop is geting reset
I have reinstalled Personal Menu and I have not had any problems. I have not reinstalled Modest, and I'm not planing on doing so since I did not use it much.
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-24, 14:30
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Re: Desktop is geting reset
I reflashed Friday night and I have installed my custom theme & icon, Status Bar Clock and OMWeather. I have not reinstalled Personal Menu, Modest, Maemo Mapper and a few other programs that I did...
Forum: Design
2008-03-23, 15:11
Replies: 1,187
Views: 524,191
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-22, 16:54
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Re: Desktop is geting reset
I don't think that it is the status bar clock or it's alarms. I've had the status bar clock installed for a wile without any problem. I also was having problems with out using the alarm.
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-21, 17:50
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Re: Desktop is geting reset
I updated Modest and Maemo Mapper. I have not used Maemo Mapper since the upgrade and I completly colse Modest, I don't think it's running in the background.
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-21, 17:26
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Re: Desktop is geting reset
Would I need to just disable an app or would I need to uninstall it?
Is there a log file I can look at to pinpoint the probmem? Or do I need to just remove apps unitl it stops, which will be...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-03-21, 15:40
Replies: 66
Views: 11,368
Desktop is geting reset
My desktop is getting reset to the default settings, reloads contacts when I had the Personal Menu and the status bar icons return to default. I can't pinpoint when or what is causing it. Sometimes...