Forum: Off Topic
2010-04-29, 07:00
Replies: 7,222
Views: 1,704,177
Forum: Applications
2010-04-17, 08:23
Replies: 1,584
Views: 796,992
Re: [Announce] fMMS for N900
1. The N900 is not on the officially supported MMS device list, so when it tells your carrier's network that "hi, I'm an N900, wanna let me in?" the network checks that no, you have not...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-04-17, 08:17
Replies: 9
Views: 11,070
Re: Auto rotation will eat battery life
The ST-made accelerometer itself most likely draws the 400 µA as specified in the datasheet from its 2,5-3,3 V supply as it's most likely set to the lowest refresh rate of 100 Hz, so the sensor draw...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-03-02, 06:34
Replies: 10
Views: 2,346
Re: Shutdown screen
I like the way that cluttering screams "NNOOOOOoooooo..." :P
Seriously though, there should be at least an option to hide all that behind even that Nokia logo on white background that pops up...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-02-06, 06:37
Replies: 269
Views: 49,195
Forum: Off Topic
2010-01-26, 12:59
Replies: 38
Views: 6,573
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-26, 09:47
Replies: 150
Views: 121,060
Re: Finnish n900 owners thread
Minulle Saunalahdelta sanottiin MMS-tuesta että jos puhelin onnistuu sellaisen lähettämään, verkko listaa sen ominaisuutta tukevaksi riippumatta siitä mikä se on - oletusrvoisesti verkko ei lähetä...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-26, 09:21
Replies: 142
Views: 61,326
Re: Indications on how well the N900 is selling
I have a feeling that they may drop a number or two on the 28th (when they talk numbers anyway) if the N900 is selling well just brag a little about it, but it will quite surely be silence or...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-22, 10:40
Replies: 533
Views: 113,658
Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
There's at least 15 N900 owners at the university I study at. I see someone using it at the library or at the restaurants on a daily basis.
Mind you, that's more often than I see iPhones. Then...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-22, 10:30
Replies: 142
Views: 61,326
Re: Indications on how well the N900 is selling
The device is still on backorder or "limited availbility" in most places that sell it, so my guess would be that it's selling quite a lot better than initially thought - it's been almost two months...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-19, 17:55
Replies: 14
Views: 12,501
Re: Whistling MicroUSB adapter whilst charging ?
The adapter brick is a DC/DC converter that makes sure the USB port sees 5 volts as required in the standard, while the older chargers the adapter is intended for use with can give out anything from...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-19, 17:19
Replies: 31
Views: 6,850
Re: Tv out
Yeh, the TV out is certainly not HD quality, but that's a limitation of the tech used, not really a flaw in the device. Composite video was made for a quite different time, but as it's simple and...
Forum: General
2010-01-17, 07:29
Replies: 9
Views: 3,591
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-06, 10:25
Replies: 7
Views: 3,706
Re: Changing the processor speed
This same issue is what's holding back the clockrates in all OMAP34xx-based devices... The SoC itself is in a package that's quite good thermally, it has lots of copper with very thin insulators and...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-01-03, 00:40
Replies: 12
Views: 4,949
Re: Memory Card doesn't support ext2/3? Wtf?
N900 has your bread-and-butter udev, hald and some other nifty Linux stuff too - that's why there's no need to hide the µSD reader under the battery but it can be hot-pluggable and the previous...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-30, 15:36
Replies: 293
Views: 141,213
Forum: Applications
2009-12-17, 10:37
Replies: 114
Views: 50,972
Re: led flashlight
The flash LED driver should be a pretty smart lil' bug, not sure if it's connected all the way or just with FLASH, TORCH and TX_SENSE (or something very similar) lines connected. Most of LED drivers...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-15, 23:34
Replies: 108
Views: 17,146
Re: Why did you get the N900?
The short version: because buying one got me exactly what I wanted.
A bit longer version: the fruit themed gadgets make the user feel like an idiot (because of the ridiculous amount of pampering...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2009-12-15, 11:11
Replies: 459
Views: 271,311
Re: Cant dial #123#
There's a bug filed for this. For now, no numbers starting with # (network commands) don't work, but a fix is coming afaik.
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-13, 11:52
Replies: 150
Views: 34,350
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-11, 23:29
Replies: 332
Views: 99,070
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-11, 10:50
Replies: 13
Views: 3,489
Re: Watch and cheer
Even the slowest USB mode is faster than the internal eMMC memory. My device gulps data at well over 50 MB per second at first and I can see the load applet's RAM bar shoot up, but once the...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-10, 23:23
Replies: 10
Views: 3,336
Re: what if you don't want all chat contacts
Been wondering the same.
The MSN plugin pulled all my old contacts (old addresses of people I still chat with and addresses of people I haven't heard anything of for years) from the server, and...
Forum: General
2009-12-10, 12:23
Replies: 39
Views: 12,195
Re: Capacitive touchscreen on the next Maemo?
Atmel may have a solution to this problem: their MAXTouch promises very accurate all-point captouch solution. They have demostrated it doing some qute impressive stuff, including ordinary plastic...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-10, 11:44
Replies: 150
Views: 121,060
Re: Finnish n900 owners thread
Got mine from on friday. I've lost mic once, but a reboot fixed that. Other than that, my device has been working like a charm with lots of Skype use, two mail accounts, lots of MSN...