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Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Jaykie View Post
is it possible to somehow set display always on while Mapsi is active? I activated GPS tracking and started driving with a car and noticed that display went of quite quickly.
If you set "Screensaver" to disabled from the settings (you can get there by clicking topmost item in the menu on the left) then the screen shouldn't turn off. I'm not totally sure whether it works but I tried it quickly and it at least seemed to work.
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Originally Posted by orava View Post
If you set "Screensaver" to disabled from the settings (you can get there by clicking topmost item in the menu on the left) then the screen shouldn't turn off. I'm not totally sure whether it works but I tried it quickly and it at least seemed to work.
Thanks, Obviously I'm blind

Edit: It seems to disable screensaver totally even Mapsi is on background. For me it's not a problem but maybe you could still put it in the list of minor bugs

Last edited by Jaykie; 2011-08-23 at 12:55.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2011
Great work! Works nicely and very usefull. I will continue testing. I'm using a N9.
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Iam download some maps to hard disk and then convert it other format (dirtwiever .mapx format). Calibration is not right. I remember that early mapsi version calibration file was right. Also when open maps to Oziexplorer, calibration is something wrong.
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by ekanen View Post
Iam download some maps to hard disk and then convert it other format (dirtwiever .mapx format). Calibration is not right. I remember that early mapsi version calibration file was right. Also when open maps to Oziexplorer, calibration is something wrong.
Do you get wrong calibration files when making maps from all layers or only from some specific layers? I found one bug that made calibration files to be incorrect on the closest zoom levels on aerial images (on ortokuvaX5 and ortokuvaX6) but on other layers calibration files seemed to be OK. If you get wrong calibration files on all layers could you try to open calibration file (.map file) in text editor and see if you find what's wrong with it.
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Originally Posted by orava View Post
Do you get wrong calibration files when making maps from all layers or only from some specific layers? I found one bug that made calibration files to be incorrect on the closest zoom levels on aerial images (on ortokuvaX5 and ortokuvaX6) but on other layers calibration files seemed to be OK. If you get wrong calibration files on all layers could you try to open calibration file (.map file) in text editor and see if you find what's wrong with it.
All layers is same problem. Calibration files seemed OK when open it in text editor. But when open map file ex. oziexploer location is not ok.
Name:  ozi_data.jpg
Views: 2093
Size:  8.0 KB
This attachment right location is near Leppävirta.
I don't understand what is wrong from calibration files. Trying to edit it and save again etc... Calibration point in map files is right cordinates.
I trying to send private message to you but itsn't possibility.
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Mapsi v2.9.9 for Windows can now be downloaded from [URL]removed/URL]. Most of the bugs that are mentioned here should have been fixed and there are also some new features.

Unrar file to directory with no white spaces in it (e.g. to "c:\")

As of version 2.9.9 Mapsi won't be anymore client to Paikkatietoikkuna's WMS (Web Map Service i.e. the place where map tiles are downloaded) server but client for WMS servers in general. That means that the user has to specify settings for the WMS server he uses, which is done with a settings file. WMS settings file (wms_settings.ini) should be copied to \data directory (e.g. to C:\mapsi-v2.9.9\data). Example of WMS settings file is attached to this post (rename it to wms_settings.ini).

GPS is now also supported in Windows version but it needs to be configured manually. When you connect bluetooth GPS receiver to Windows it'll make two serial ports for it (or if it won't then you can't use that GPS receiver with Mapsi). Find out what COM-port is used for outgoing traffic(Lähtevän liikenteen COM-portti), and if it's for example COM11 add following line to settings.ini

Last edited by orava; 2011-12-11 at 18:27.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by orava View Post
Mapsi v2.9.9 for Windows can now be downloaded from here. Most of the bugs that are mentioned here should have been fixed and there are also some new features.

Unrar file to directory with no white spaces in it (e.g. to "c:\")

As of version 2.9.9 Mapsi won't be anymore client to Paikkatietoikkuna's WMS (Web Map Service i.e. the place where map tiles are downloaded) server but client for WMS servers in general. That means that the user has to specify settings for the WMS server he uses, which is done with a settings file. WMS settings file (wms_settings.ini) should be copied to \data directory (e.g. to C:\mapsi-v2.9.9\data). Example of WMS settings file is attached to this post (rename it to wms_settings.ini).

GPS is now also supported in Windows version but it needs to be configured manually. When you connect bluetooth GPS receiver to Windows it'll make two serial ports for it (or if it won't then you can't use that GPS receiver with Mapsi). Find out what COM-port is used for outgoing traffic(Lähtevän liikenteen COM-portti), and if it's for example COM11 add following line to settings.ini
Hello, Program shows only white screen. what is solution of this problem? Thanks
Posts: 223 | Thanked: 323 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by janivay View Post
Hello, Program shows only white screen. what is solution of this problem? Thanks
I had forgotten some library files from the RAR package. Updated package that should work can be found from here.

I also already noticed that there's a bug with tile downloading. Eventhough now downloading map tiles from a large area should work, if map area is moved while tiles are being downloaded the whole program freezes. I'm working on fixing that.

Last edited by orava; 2011-09-18 at 21:21.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2011
Dear Orava,

thank you for fantastic app! This will help my life a lot. I love using aerial maps and cadastral units.

Could it be possible to have feature that zooms to selected landmark? e.g. I'm in Oulu and I want to check map from Helsinki. It is a bit annoying to zoom out a lot and scroll through Finland every time.

Still love Mapsi and think orava is suberb! A+!

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