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Bartcore3's Avatar
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by the way, does anyone know where i can find a good thread about scripting on maemo?
I only get permission denied and i can't seem te find a good thread on TMO..
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Loading random generated low-poly dungeons etc. in an engine which was optimized for the machines of those days vs. Minecraft's still inefficient voxel chunk loading... Sure, "they" included some better ways to do things (like the map save format which came from the community, the OpenGL culling etc.) during the last year or so but Java as well as "voxels" playing the main resource hogs here. Ok, not voxels in the true sense, but no polygons either.

Or why do you think that the height limit of Minecraft maps is still 128 blocks? A greater limit is not introduced from the fact that world updates would then be a**-slow in the current implementation / engine.
zdanee's Avatar
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My point exactly. Minecraft is written so it is easy on the coder, but performs awfully. It should be optimized, so it is easy on the machine even if it means more work to the coder. A good idea alone is not enough, you cannot say, that todays raw processing power in enough to run a badly written game so why optimize? Just think about how much energy this game wastes if 1 million people plays it on a 500W desktop with 100% CPU (yes, that think green crap).
As for Daggerfall it was extremely well written considering the age it came out, and the resources it had to work with (yes I know it had some annoying bugs), even if it had to generate most of the places, Minecraft just does the same, no excuses here.
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Originally Posted by zdanee View Post
(yes, that think green crap)
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Last edited by zdanee; 2011-11-23 at 16:57.

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Originally Posted by zdanee View Post
Calculated the 128^3 size from the 2MB map size. I myself rarely play minecraft (because it is highly addictive and I have a life to live )
A wonderful choice. The main reason I'm barely on this forum as of late? Minecraft. F'ing game just demands to be played.

Originally Posted by zdanee View Post
I think the main problem with Minecraft is the fact that it is written in JAVA. I imagine (again I don't know for sure) that each block is an object w private data of its position, orientation, texture, whatever, so it is waaay more than 1byte / block, hence the big memory consumption. Also, easy to write the code, but horrible to render the graphics. Last time I checked JAVA was awful with memory handling. I also guess that there is no 3D-acceleration in the game. Fact is that my Core i5 machine while does not lag, uses 100% CPU while running the free beta, that should never happen with a game. A C++ rewrite and the use of 3D accelerators should make this game run smooth on any machine.
So again, I admit I'm not the hardcore Minecraft fan, but given what I see this is the problem with the game and is why I said it should run on an i486.
Yeah, I'm with you on the Java thing. Honestly, if you ask me everything should be coded in C (though not C++ or other derivative Cs - I mean hardcore C where you don't get to have a string variable because char arrays are sufficient and have to consciously pay attention to where every single byte of memory you're using goes, and OOP doesn't happen).

Anyway, yes, Java's probably to blame largely.

On the other hand, given the way the game works, I think it has to keep track of the position of every single block. And I believe you guessed right - every block has position data, at least some (I suspect all) have facing data, and a block-ID (and then that's how they determine textures and other block properties. So at least that's not stored for every single block individually).

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Look at the 1 post.

I put a script in it as well.
It will free up some memory before starting the server.

(to know how much free memory you have type this in xterminal
The last number under free is the important one

well, it's been an exhausting day for me so i'll jump right into my bed and fall asleep until forever...
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i'm so sorry soulaxe! i'm not ignoring you.
Been so busy i forgot to answer you..

i did take a look at minetest-c55. Even downloaded and played for a minute.. is it compatible with mojangs minecraft? Because i think they're 2 completely different games though they look the same.

What i planned to make was a server to play minecraft on, because lots of people play that game. And i'm not quite sure many others know minetest...

i hope you get what i'm trying to tell.. My english is good but not great
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seems like nobodys interested

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