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hopefully someday in the future nokia would makeone
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
good joke I am not missing my N900 at all after I got N950. Haven't even opened the kb for months now...
I bet you'll be happy with an iphone too ...

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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post

Why resistive? because its better
Why are you choosing 5:4 resolution when it should be 16:9 (1280x720)? because 720p is too low for a decent vertical resolution
Why mini-HDMI when the way forward is clearly DLNA /Airplay? most of the world has hdmi on their hd tv so dont talk rubish
Triband LTE? Do you want 4 hours of battery life?
FM transmitter? FM is going to die in 2015 (UK) 2017 (Norway and Germany) what has this got to do with my phone TRANSMITTING FM signal?

No one will make another Maemo5 device. You can accept that fact and contribute to opening the Maemo6 device, which has *some* of the things you want. And has a brand new battery just off the factory line still with full designed capacity and an unbroken (for now) micro-USB port. that device is crap when compared to n900

The N900 community has given that amazing device the care Nokia couldn't spare for it. But you're not getting a like-for-like replacement. "Mobile" split completely between tablets and phones.

ten chars!
How is resistive better? More precision? Can be used with gloves? Cons: Needs a stylus or a fingernail. Only one point can be measured (two with limitations), no multi-touch.

"Vertical" resolution? Not in portrait mode. If the UI does not reserve 100 pixels on top with an information bar, it's already better.

I really want a huge and thick HDMI cable between my couch, where I'm trying to hold my phone in my hands, and the TV. And I really want it coiled under or behind the TV when I'm not using it. Do you have a wife? Kids? A cat? Most TVs come with DLNA now.

When FM broadcasting is turned off, what do you think will happen to the FM radio spectrum? It'll be sold for other digital uses, like the Analog TV bands were sold for 4G mobile. Think you'll be able to use FM transmitters then? The bands will be filled with digital "static"!

The N900 is a great mini-computer. The last of the breed. They're gone, they're called tablets now. The closest to the N900 is a Galaxy Note. With 5 inches, you can have a soft keyboard permanently there. Port Nemo to the Note. Or wait for Nokia to disappear and raid the Espoo headquarters to get the Maemo source code.
I like to stroke my N9 - My preciousssss....
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Tizen can still beat most other OSes since it is still not dead and abandoned or dead... yet.

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Originally Posted by teamer View Post
I bet you'll be happy with an iphone too ...
I doubt it. Nokia don't make those.
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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post
coming from someone praising the WP this is worthless
this may be ad hominem but you showed your OS preference here so anything you say about maemo can not be considered seriously
Ossipena and I rarely agree on anything, but I can respect that. But his take on WP is from the direction of a person that's used it. Same with me. I've used it and found its simplicity - and Harmattan's simplicity - pretty much a very welcome thing. Is it perfect, not by a long shot.

I'd have to rank Ossipena as a hardcore Maemo lover, but realistic in all other areas.

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Originally Posted by Dhicky View Post
hopefully someday in the future nokia would makeone
If there will be Nokia in the future?

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Personally I'm seriously worried. There's nothing even near to replace the N900 when it gets outdated for me. I will hang on to it as long as I possibly can, but there will be some day in the future when I have to move to something else. Guess the only hope is Tizen now, and that some hardware developer will go for it. A device without the physical keyboard and the looks and feel of N900/Maemo is a no-go for me. Its the first real phone-alike tablet that actually do the thing for me.
It doesn't matter if the SGII or N9 has really nice hardware, they lack physical keyboard and they are profiled just as typical smartphones. What am I to do with boring noob stuff like that? In that case I might as well back down to regular featurephones, at least they got some batterylife. All smartphones today are just lightweight blingbling aimed for for blonde superfical people playing with facebook, twitter and wordfeud. It's just brainless gaming crap, its just freaking toys. I don't get it at all, I have no use at all for crap like that, none whatsoever. I completely detest Android, its a plastic OS that just happens to have a linux kernel somewhere buried in the bottom.

Oh man this is bad, it is so bad.

Last edited by Larswad; 2012-02-05 at 21:19.

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well 1280x800 is reallly enough (and has the mystical 16:10 :P)
why triple band LTE? next phone with maemo could have those since that's a fact that 4g is still far from complete (well you have some 3.5G data transfer called LTE but it's still newborn infant) quad band GSM with full 3G is enough (and WCDMA for people in USA and generally out of europe), I will better go for Wifi N (since mostly WIFI is mostly cheaper than cellural data transfer, as it's generally free). Resistive or capacitive? who cares? if it had to have NASA themed bulletproof case it would be capacitive as resistive needs pressure, but we are happy enough on nokia plastic cases and there's not so much flaws on resistive. better go for big enough screen for new bigger resolution and make it true LED (not the LCD with LED backlight) so it consumes tiny batery power. bigger battery capacity ? why not? more RAM ? definately! I vote for 1gb or 2gb since ARM is 32bit. (micro)HDMI? well it needs some digital TV-out and it's definately one of them and it's smaller than DVI (having DVI in mobile phone would be ridicolous :P) perhaps it could even handle FullHD TV Output. better camera? why not, but 5MP with Carl Zeiss optics is enough. USB 3.0? Yeah some people still use wired transmission and it will be much faster than USB 2.0 and compatible with it. hardware support for OTG/hostmode? Definately. Keyboard? Definately, and match a bit bigger buttons under bigger screen, maybe even a 4row one. faster/multicore CPU? well at least a bit faster and at least 2 core. faster GPU? definately ! for support 720p or even FullHD films on built-in camera (5MP>FullHD) and modern Games through HW-accelerated OpenGL. 64 GB internal memory? well better make two versions one 64GB, and one 256GB - why not? microSDHC port? i prefer microSDXC (for SD cards > 32GB) . And finally Maemo? Sure but freshed up since some binaries on N900 in non-modified systems are ancient whiloe N900 is only a bit old. Any Maemo-compatible Linux will suffice too while not being DRM-infected (easyDebian couldn't work on N9 due to signing binaries on rootfs and the need for different version of shell binary.. or eD folks maintained it out? well the DRM still sucks).

well from last politics on Nokia I forecast that there will be no Nokia Linux phone until they mantain to make Nokia Company cheap and it's bought by somebody else than microsoft :P. It's named sabotage, or more gently on stock known as speculation.

If i finally Degree the Programming Electronics And Telecomunication on my end-of-world university I sure project similair device but on AMD64 architecture (nicknamed x64 by Intel) with at least 8GB RAM, I'll benefit from APU ("The Future is fusion" said AMD), hardware moddable intristics (as much moddable as current Laptops so eg. choice between 64GB SSD or 1TB-or-more HDD, extendable memory with Laptop RAM modules etc.) And I'll use Powerfull Multi-Use Antenna (so adding new protocols will be matter of driver only, and FM/TV transmitter will be easiest of). And Sure all Cellular comunication working including talk and MMS (or some newer cellular message service), and cellular phone hardware gadgets such as accelerometer. don't mention PC compability, handheld-console-like front (and full HW keyboard under a slide), and a few tasty things. Then I'll collect Bucks, the device will be used over years, and thought of any new version good enough to make my users switch (if i can't i can wait for Third World be rich enough to buy it and Worldwide Population Gain :P)

If someone is crazy enough to do it before me, then I'll certainly buy it, and the producer will have great puzzle to make users update the hardware again :P

Last edited by majaczek; 2012-02-05 at 21:19.
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Originally Posted by tigas View Post
How is resistive better? More precision? Can be used with gloves? Cons: Needs a stylus or a fingernail. Only one point can be measured (two with limitations), no multi-touch. does not need stylus or a fingernail, that is a pure lie, and multitouch is useles except for games, but nevertheless resistive multitouch with more then two point has been demonstrated couple of years ago

"Vertical" resolution? Not in portrait mode. If the UI does not reserve 100 pixels on top with an information bar, it's already better. portrait mode? whats that and who wants it on a qwerty keyboard device, dont make me laugh

I really want a huge and thick HDMI cable between my couch, where I'm trying to hold my phone in my hands, and the TV. And I really want it coiled under or behind the TV when I'm not using it. Do you have a wife? Kids? A cat? Most TVs come with DLNA now.
do i realy want a technology that most people including me can use? yes
and i dont know anyone who owns a tv with dlna

When FM broadcasting is turned off, what do you think will happen to the FM radio spectrum? It'll be sold for other digital uses, like the Analog TV bands were sold for 4G mobile. Think you'll be able to use FM transmitters then? The bands will be filled with digital "static"! yes i will since my fm transmier will be maybe a meter away from my antenna and not all freq will be used

The N900 is a great mini-computer. The last of the breed. They're gone, they're called tablets now. The closest to the N900 is a Galaxy Note. With 5 inches, you can have a soft keyboard permanently there. Port Nemo to the Note. Or wait for Nokia to disappear and raid the Espoo headquarters to get the Maemo source code lol, galaxy note would have to run linux, bsd or at least shitty windows to be close to n900(and have a real keyboard), those oversized pmp-s are nowhere near n900.
ten chars!

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