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works like magic now. Thanks MartinK!

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Left top corner in Options behaves as standard "task switcher". It may be a useful feature but the "back" button in About is blocked this way.
Also it jumps to South Atlantic Ocean for a second after startup
modrana still terminates if I leave it inactive for a while:
* all modules loaded (12289 ms), 12713/13505 ms
* all modules initialized (792 ms), 13505/13505 ms
** whole startup: 13505 ms **
Preloading theme "base" from cache
(u'currentTheme', u'default', 'default')
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Do you need a dump?

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
Originally Posted by mick3_de View Post
The same for me. There is a segmentation fault at the end:
Do you have CSSU installed ? It is (unfortunately ?) a prerequisite for running the QML GUI as Qt Components & PySide are badly broken on vanilla PR 1.3 Fremantle.

This looks like running under QML 1.0, which doesn't have PinchArea and some other types/properties. Still, it should have crashed sooner on import QtQuick 1.1, which should not be available without CSSU.
QtQuick is available by installing qtquickcompat, or it pretends to be.
Is it necessary to install CSSU to get modrana-qml working? Could the Qt dependencies of Modrana be specified more clearly?

Which version of interface should be better for battery life - in case I need to travel for day or more, while electricity is scarce?

Thank you. The program is as enjoyable as ever.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Wikiwide For This Useful Post:
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2012
Hi Martin. First of all, congratulations for the software, and thank you.

Some questions: the qml gui is not fully functional yet, right?
And what about this error: "//usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/PageStack.js:123: TypeError: Result of expression 'page' [undefined] is not an object."?

Thanks again.

The Following User Says Thank You to doublezero For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by bipinbn View Post
Thank you very much buddy, also when you get time can you please check on Route Info window after the route gets calculated , the text in the window get jumbled up due to too much data, it will help if we reduce the font size.
Yep, checking the number of lines & changing the font size accordingly should do the trick.

Originally Posted by int_ua View Post
Left top corner in Options behaves as standard "task switcher". It may be a useful feature but the "back" button in About is blocked this way.
I think this is the default behavior for the Maemo 5 Qt Components port - it tries to fix the lack of Swipe by basically adding invisible Hildon style window controls. So clicking the upper left corner will probably close modRana.

As modRana has no need for these invisible buttons due to the fullscreen toggle button on the map screen, I'll have to check out how to disable them (or change the behaviour so that it won't clash with the back button).

Originally Posted by int_ua View Post
Also it jumps to South Atlantic Ocean for a second after startup
Thats the geographic point, where both latitude & longitude are equal to zero.
I'll change it to the last known position in a future update.

Originally Posted by int_ua View Post
modrana still terminates if I leave it inactive for a while:
Do you need a dump?
Well, why not. But I've never worked with crash-dumps before, so also a pointer what to use to analyze it would be welcome.

I'll also try to do some stress testing to check if I can also manage to make it segfault. BTW, I've also had quite a few segfaults initially on Fremantle:
  • after importing python-mobility - solved by this contraption as found in a bug-report somewhere
  • random segfeaults & segfaults when minimized - solved by making sure no GTK/Gobject/Hildon stuff is accidentally loaded when running with the QML interface
GTK & company making Qt application segfault is quite a weird combination, considering that for example the latest AGTL has a QML interface, which is used together with a Gobject based (signals, callbacks) "core".

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
QtQuick is available by installing qtquickcompat, or it pretends to be.
Yes, it is, but it only supports QtQuick 1.0. CSSU & Harmattan have 1.1. Also, on non-CSSU Qt Components have a different namespace (org.maemo.fremantle vs the usual
As a result, I would need to maintain two versions for all QML files - one for vanilla Fremantle which has the Fremantle QtC namespace & uses only QtQuick 1.0 features (no pinch area, no image caching, some other missing properties, etc.) and then a "normal" version for CSSU & Harmattan.

Due to the missing features in QtQuick 1.0, just replacing the namespace won't do, I would have to to synchronize the changes between the two by hand. And the QML files change a lot - it's just too much work.

Actually, I tried to make a separate non-CSSU QML files for Mieru - but even after changing the namespace & commenting out all the QtQuick 1.1 features, the application started, but with a very broken layout & there were other issues (no support for multiple decorators) caused by the old PySide version. Never got it to work usably on non-CSSU in the end. I have since then upgraded my N900 to CSSU, so I don't have a real device to test the non-CSSU version on anyway.

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Is it necessary to install CSSU to get modrana-qml working?

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Could the Qt dependencies of Modrana be specified more clearly?
Well, the "classic" GTK interface is still usable without issues on both CSSU and non-CSSU, so old Qt version should not be preventing users from running modRana with the GTK GUI.

But I can (and probably will) add a runtime Qt version detection. If it detects Qt version < 4.7.4 (Harmattan also has 4.7.4, non-CSSU has 4.7.0) it would show a "You need to upgrade to CSSU to run the new QML based modRana interface." instead of just crashing.

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Which version of interface should be better for battery life - in case I need to travel for day or more, while electricity is scarce?
Probably the QML interface.
The GTK interface:
  • does full screen redraws only
  • redraws at least once per second even if nothing changes
  • when drawing the map, tiles are laid-out, rotated, scaled, etc. again on every redraw
  • runs everything on CPU

Don't really know about how QML handles screen redrawing but I'd guess it should be much more efficient. Also, it either uses some form of GPU acceleration or is just much more optimized, consider how much more smooth it is.

Still, might be interesting to compare the two in some simple battery usage benchmark.

Originally Posted by doublezero View Post
Some questions: the qml gui is not fully functional yet, right?
And what about this error: "//usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/PageStack.js:123: TypeError: Result of expression 'page' [undefined] is not an object."?
This happens when you press a menu on a button that points to a page menu/screen that is not yet present. Nothing serious.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to MartinK For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
Well, why not. But I've never worked with crash-dumps before, so also a pointer what to use to analyze it would be welcome.
gdb is the most common tool. But I'm not sure what you'd learn. With an interpreted language like Python, what you get is a traceback that tells you where the interpreter died. Connecting that to a problem in the Python source is almost impossible without intimate knowledge of how the interpreter works.

My experience is that the Python interpreter never crashes due to segfaults; Python programs die with exceptions. Given that fact, I think that a traceback from the console wold be vastly more useful than a crash dump.

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Originally Posted by gkuenning View Post
My experience is that the Python interpreter never crashes due to segfaults; Python programs die with exceptions. Given that fact, I think that a traceback from the console wold be vastly more useful than a crash dump.
I don't think it is Python crashing, most probably either Qt or Qt Mobility (or both) segfault and take the rest of the program down with it.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)
Ken-Young's Avatar
Posts: 387 | Thanked: 1,700 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Cambridge, MA, USA
Modrana has stopped downloading new tiles on my N900. It still displays the cached tiles I have downloaded in the past, and properly positions me on the map, but whenever a new tile is needed, I just get the "Loading..." message which never clears. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Modrana, but that did not help. I have tried both Wifi and 3G network connects, and I have verified that the network was functional. No luck. I have also verified that the Openstreetmap site was online and functional when I did these tests. Has anyone else seen this problem, and/or has some idea how I can fix it?
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Italy
Hi Martin.

First of all, congratulations for your excellent job. I appreciate very much.

I'm facing serious problems when trying to batch download an area for my Google Map layer. Downloading "on the fly" is (almost) always efficient and fast, even via cellular network, but the batch downloading always fails - with few exceptions.

My /home/user/.modrana/map_config.conf sets ""
as the url where the Google Maps are supposed to live, but opening such an url with my browser gives the error message "Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That's all we know.". Is this the issue?

A good solution could the Sqlite batch import scrip discussed at The
problem here is that the perlscript mapconvert I've downloaded
from doesn't work in my linux box running Fedora: the error message is "install_driver(SQLite)
failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at (eval 5)
line 3. Perhaps the DBD::SQLite perl module hasn't been fully installed,
or perhaps the capitalisation of 'SQLite' isn't right. Available drivers:
DBM, ExampleP, File, Gofer, Proxy, Sponge, mysql. at ./mapconvert line 24".

Which are the packages required? According to the listed dependencies, it seems that the rpm packages perl-DBI and perl-DBD-MySQL should meet the requirements, but, although I've installed them, I get the previous mentioned perl error message.

Thank you very much for any help.
Ken-Young's Avatar
Posts: 387 | Thanked: 1,700 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Cambridge, MA, USA
Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
Modrana has stopped downloading new tiles on my N900. It still displays the cached tiles I have downloaded in the past, and properly positions me on the map, but whenever a new tile is needed, I just get the "Loading..." message which never clears. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Modrana, but that did not help. I have tried both Wifi and 3G network connects, and I have verified that the network was functional. No luck. I have also verified that the Openstreetmap site was online and functional when I did these tests. Has anyone else seen this problem, and/or has some idea how I can fix it?
Nevermind - I found the problem. The Network Usage option Only For Important Data had been set. Apparently downloading tiles is not considered important. Selecting Unlimited Use of Network fixed the problem.

Last edited by Ken-Young; 2012-05-25 at 23:36.

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bada rox, martin_rocks, modrana, navigation, openstreetmap, the best, wehasgps

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