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Many thanks, spent all day smacking my head off the wall on this one, now paired with my N810 seems all the keys are working fine.

Just need to fathom out how to pair the igo keyboard with my Nokia 6300 phone and sort the driver, stupid install CD seems broken.

Last edited by dick_turpin; 2008-01-19 at 19:39.
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Whats the deal with the Igo website where we are supposed to get the drivers over the air? I get error 404 or what ever for file not found.
I like my board and got it working with my Palm, but I havent figured out (subject to this post) getting it paired withe N800.
Why would I-go let their web site get into such disrepair? Or am I mis understanding that error?
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Originally Posted by Deserttaxguy View Post
Whats the deal with the Igo website where we are supposed to get the drivers over the air? I get error 404 or what ever for file not found.
You don't need drivers for maemo. It's a standard HID device.
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I was using my older Stowaway style keyboard (Dell branded "Think Outside" keyboard). I was typing a mesasge last night in gmail and I found that I was typing than it would show up on the screen. It would "buffer" and eventually show up on the screen but it was very annoying. Anyone else having problems with that?

I am wondering if the predictive text is slowing it down?
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I can type a little faster than it can receive like you are, so we will have to slow down a bit or figure out how to optimize our settings.
New question- Once you are paired to the keyboard, could somebody post some tips on shutting it off, and on and any other tips for using the I-go.
My keyboard matches up quickly when you open it and types great. My question is, once the tablet thinks its using a keyboard I cant get it to use the onboard keyboard again with out rebooting the tablet. What do you do when you are done using the keyboard and want to go back to the stylus? Thank you.
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heh, just got a freedom universal connected using a similar process.
very easy to connect bluetooth keyboards to the N800
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Originally Posted by Deserttaxguy View Post
I can type a little faster than it can receive like you are, so we will have to slow down a bit or figure out how to optimize our settings.
New question- Once you are paired to the keyboard, could somebody post some tips on shutting it off, and on and any other tips for using the I-go.
My keyboard matches up quickly when you open it and types great. My question is, once the tablet thinks its using a keyboard I cant get it to use the onboard keyboard again with out rebooting the tablet. What do you do when you are done using the keyboard and want to go back to the stylus? Thank you.
I'm having the same issue as you I suddenly lose connection and I can't reconnect until I reboot. I have the ThinkOutside branded keyboard which I thought was the same as the iGo.
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Dear Migs, I can't figure it out either. But offer this; maybe you are only experiencing the timeout factor and I am pushing the pg up or pg dn arrrow and it wakes up.
But, sadly now, when I shut off my tablet and the keyboard I have to go through the repairing process everytime to get it started again.
Am I screwing up? Maybe there's a way to preserve the connection after shutting down? I'm not using bluetooth for anything else, so I thought when I open the board it would link right up, but its not. Thanks for everybody's ideas. I love my keyboard. How long does it last on batteries? I put in some new Energizer Lithium batts in mine when I got it, and now I've gone 3 full 8 or 9 hr days of multiple startups with no problems.. Good recommendation so far.

Last edited by Deserttaxguy; 2008-01-29 at 07:21. Reason: spelling
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17 steps is "easy"? Boy, I thought Bluetooth was supposed to be more seamless than this... Disappointed in technology AGAIN
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Originally Posted by zeleftikam View Post
17 steps is "easy"? Boy, I thought Bluetooth was supposed to be more seamless than this... Disappointed in technology AGAIN
It's actually really straightforward. The granularity of steps steps is just pretty high. It could just as well be put:
  1. Choose layout.
  2. Pair.
  3. Use.

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