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i know that's a stupid question but... well... The efforts here are purely experimental or it'll come as n mplaywr update in extras repo?

such command lines scares linux noobs like me
Tomaszd's Avatar
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 498 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Poland
Yes, it would be a shame if all this effort had gone to waste. Bundyo, any progress on this?
Bundyo's Avatar
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No, I'm not doing any work on this as is Serge on the rc1. There's currently no maintainer of mplayer on Maemo. If anyone wants to stand and maintain it - contact Serge.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
moja's Avatar
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ near Memphis, TN USA
Hey guys - quick question,

I've got rc2 installed and it's the only way I've found to play this internet radio stream I listen to that requires a username/password. The only thing is, they have your email address as your username, and everything I've tried chokes except for using...

> mplayer -user email@host. com -passwd myPass http:/ /

...from xterm. Any other player I tried using with a playlist file or entering the email@addr/password in the URL does not work. But streams without the email address as the username (ie. demo/demo) work just fine.

Does anybody know a better solution to listen to a stream like this?

- Thanks
sachin007's Avatar
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Originally Posted by moja View Post
Hey guys - quick question,

I've got rc2 installed and it's the only way I've found to play this internet radio stream I listen to that requires a username/password. The only thing is, they have your email address as your username, and everything I've tried chokes except for using...

> mplayer -user email@host. com -passwd myPass http:/ /

...from xterm. Any other player I tried using with a playlist file or entering the email@addr/password in the URL does not work. But streams without the email address as the username (ie. demo/demo) work just fine.

Does anybody know a better solution to listen to a stream like this?

- Thanks
You can use personal menu to put that code so that you can play that stream in mplayer using xterm with one click.
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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ near Memphis, TN USA
Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
You can use personal menu to put that code so that you can play that stream in mplayer using xterm with one click.
sachin007: Thanks for the quick reply. I have implemented your suggestion.

Now I'm hoping that I can find a way to play this stream from a playlist in one of the players, like xmms. And it would be nice to see the song titles. But it's good to at least be able to listen to the stream. Seems odd that MPlayer would be the only thing that can handle these URLs.
Posts: 183 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ italy
HI, I'm a newbie to the n800 (and linux generally ) and i want to kno how i can install mPlayer from the .tar file you download form this tread.

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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ near Memphis, TN USA
Originally Posted by pinguino89 View Post
HI, I'm a newbie to the n800 (and linux generally ) and i want to kno how i can install mPlayer from the .tar file you download form this tread.
After you have mplayer from the Extras repo installed and working, follow the steps mentioned earlier in this thread.
Posts: 183 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ italy
I saw that i have to move the file in /usr/bin/ , config to /home/user/.mplayer/ ,
menu.conf to /etc/mplayer/... but I do not know what to write in the terminal to do this I'M veeeeeeeeery nooooooob
moja's Avatar
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ near Memphis, TN USA
Originally Posted by pinguino89 View Post
I saw that i have to move the file in /usr/bin/ , config to /home/user/.mplayer/ ,
menu.conf to /etc/mplayer/... but I do not know what to write in the terminal to do this I'M veeeeeeeeery nooooooob
Okay, if you saved the files in /media/mmc2 (for example), you would start Xterm and...

cp  /media/mmc2/config /home/user/.mplayer/config
sudo gainroot
mv /usr/bin/mplayer /usr/bin/mplayer_old
cp /media/mmc2/mplayer /usr/bin/mplayer
cp /media/mmc2/menu.conf /etc/mplayer/menu.conf
...that should do it. - Hope this helps.

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