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Evince on N900 - absolutely rocks

One note: Evince dependencies should be optified.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by tomaszf View Post
One note: Evince dependencies should be optified.
I've optified the dependencies that I've uploaded but I can't work miracles on the packages that are not by me.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Czerwionka, Poland
Yeah, I understand.

Maybe I'll get this nasty packages with apt-get in download-only mode and then use optify tool.
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definitely an improvement over the built-in pdf reader. I installed it tonight, and I'm still having the problem others mentioned about not seeing an icon for it in the app list. works fine from the x terminal though.

Only issues I've noticed so far is that the text entry for changing the page # isn't constrained to only take #s, which would be nice. Also, the backspace key doesn't work.

I agree with someone else's comment that having a 'real' full screen mode with no tool bar would be nice.

But it's definitely going to be the pdf reading I'm using from now on...
qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wjbaird View Post
definitely an improvement over the built-in pdf reader. I installed it tonight, and I'm still having the problem others mentioned about not seeing an icon for it in the app list. works fine from the x terminal though.

Only issues I've noticed so far is that the text entry for changing the page # isn't constrained to only take #s, which would be nice. Also, the backspace key doesn't work.

I agree with someone else's comment that having a 'real' full screen mode with no tool bar would be nice.

But it's definitely going to be the pdf reading I'm using from now on...
Having fun tracing down a crash I managed to introduce so no update yet...

Icon shows up for me (and others) so I can't help with that.

I could do that, yes, but if the PDF has bookmarks, then you can type in letters to have it search through the bookmarks. I figure setting the input field to only allow numbers would piss off a few...

Backspace key has been fixed in the version on my computer, which likes to crash upon startup.

Oh, and that was an easy crash to fix. Evince guys should check to see they haven't been returned a NULL pointer

Last edited by qwerty12; 2010-01-23 at 10:32.

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Started playing with v2.28.2-1maemo2. (in extra-dev)

Fantastic, presentation mode is gone and no more toolbar clutter in full screen mode. Thank you qwerty12! Is there a location where you are keeping release notes for your porting efforts?

I'm still getting an error message upon evince start "Unable to open document"; is this issue unique to me or are others seeing it too? Where is the init file that stores the recently opened file list?

When "Continuous" option is selected and document is rotated to be viewed in portrait orientation, the page scrolling is sideways instead of up/down.

Two things I've noticed now that full screen is working without a toolbar:
1. Scroll bars when zoomed into a document use valuable screen real estate for eBook reading.
2. Moving to the next page in a zoomed in document automatically starts in the upper left of the page.

Two simple use cases:
A. PDF comic with multiple panes on a single page, want to zoom in to see detail, then pan to view next panes. For next page load, start at top of page, left side (perhaps right side for Manga). Displayed scroll bars may be handy in order to know relative position on current page.

B. eBook with lots of white space on all sides. Typically read in portrait orientation and need as much screen dedicated to the text as possible. Want to zoom in to make the text larger and ignore the white space. Next page load should be centered at the same position as the prior page.

Is it possible to have the scroll bar display and the next page load position as options that can be enabled/disabled and set top-left/previous-page-position? I've got a bad feeling I'm asking for much more than the porting exercise you've volunteered for qwerty12, so feel free to tell me to STFU anytime. I'm just ecstatic that someone is working on getting Evince running on Maemo 5, so again I thank you!

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Posts: 286 | Thanked: 100 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ down south
any way we can get this app to open pdf,s by default? my work emails keep asking to save instead of open ...i dont really want to save them just read on the go?
ArnimS's Avatar
Posts: 1,107 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Germany
i miss ability to hilight and copy text

EDIT Ctrl+Comma works to toggle hilight/edit mode! wooo ty qwerty12!
find . -name \*.mp3 -exec mplayer -quiet -shuffle "{}" +
das ist your media player, and yuu vill like it

Last edited by ArnimS; 2010-01-29 at 17:42.

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Posts: 51 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2010

I love using evince on my UMPC N900. There are just two little problems:

1. For me, evince seems to use (with its dependencies) 20 MB in rootfs. Uninstalling evince and apt-get autoremove frees about 20 MB for me. That's badly implemented.

2. What I'm missing from WindowsMobile ist the possibility to reformat the text. The viewer of WinMo can for example half the length of a line so that the text size can be far bigger.

Thanks for porting evince.

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Originally Posted by MPW View Post
2. What I'm missing from WindowsMobile ist the possibility to reformat the text. The viewer of WinMo can for example half the length of a line so that the text size can be far bigger
You mean with PDFs, right? That's interesting. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this isn't a feature available in the upstream Evince, nor the Poppler library that it relies upon to render PDFs.

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