Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-09-06, 09:27
Replies: 50
Views: 11,983
Re: Samsung considering Meego?
@smegeheadz, 1. In what way was meego a bad idea for current platform for Nokia? I believe some of the "poor results of Meego, slow development etc." argument from Elop has been intended to...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-09-05, 21:12
Replies: 50
Views: 11,983
Samsung considering Meego?
Rumour has it Samsung is considering Meego. Really great if they are! is suggesting the same
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2011-07-13, 16:14
Replies: 10,476
Views: 2,717,820
Re: N9: It's finally here
Oh, so you mean future disruption as in the Windows Phone Mango that President Elop announced two days after the N9?
Forum: General
2011-02-12, 18:36
Replies: 1,963
Views: 574,997
Forum: Applications
2010-03-02, 21:45
Replies: 85
Views: 40,102
Forum: Community
2010-02-24, 09:04
Replies: 235
Views: 85,013
Re: MeeGo forum? ( round)
If you look at this from a competitive standpoint, you limit the impact of other forums (if that's what you want to do) by offering a superior experience to the target group (which at this point...
Forum: Community
2010-02-21, 21:10
Replies: 41
Views: 13,289
Forum: Community
2010-02-16, 22:37
Replies: 509
Views: 205,345
Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
Maeblin, why can't you be true
Oh Maeblin, why can't you be true
You've started back doing the things
You used to do
Chuck Berry
Forum: Community
2010-02-16, 17:01
Replies: 35
Views: 7,175
Re: Registered at Meego?
Sign up for the email updates
Be aware that it will flood your inbox though as it is the equivalent to subscribing to a thread here. You can also...
Forum: Community
2010-02-16, 16:02
Replies: 509
Views: 205,345
Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
Nokia MWC Tweet Q&A updated with 14:30-14:45 session
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2010-02-16, 15:57
Replies: 13
Views: 9,655
Forum: Community
2010-02-16, 15:28
Replies: 35
Views: 7,175
Re: Registered at Meego?
Yes I registered as soon as the news hit. It's a really good way to follow the developers', both Maemo based ones and Moblin ones, discussion re e.g. RPM vs DEB etc.
I think Quim Gil displays a...
Forum: Community
2010-02-16, 12:21
Replies: 509
Views: 205,345
Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
This is the complete Q&A from todays 12:00-12:15 Twitter chat regarding Maemo and MeeGo. They answered about half the questions:
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2010-02-16, 12:12
Replies: 13
Views: 9,655
Forum: Applications
2010-02-15, 22:38
Replies: 19
Views: 3,684
Forum: Community
2010-02-15, 21:48
Replies: 81
Views: 25,309
Forum: Community
2010-02-15, 12:31
Replies: 509
Views: 205,345
Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
In this video you can listen to Mr Sousou state that all apps developed for Maemo will run on Meego. Check it out at 00:52
Forum: Community
2010-02-15, 11:52
Replies: 509
Views: 205,345
Re: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
These guys have to look at the broader picture, and if they saw pouring lots of resources into two future competing platforms as wasteful, and a win-win in terms of joining forces, then it makes...
Forum: Applications
2010-02-14, 23:35
Replies: 25
Views: 7,193
Re: [Announce] GeoToDo - Task Manager
Thank you for posting the interface presentation!
I think it is great that you are working on this application. Maemo users need it. Nokia needs it in order to make the Nxxx series to...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-02-02, 17:21
Replies: 42
Views: 54,203
Forum: Competitors
2010-01-28, 18:58
Replies: 34
Views: 8,599
Re: IDC thinks Android will eat Maemo, nom nom
If you look through the presentation they made to the financial community back in december, Nokia has already positioned Symbian to the midrange and lower, and Maemo as their "no compromise"...
Forum: Community
2010-01-22, 21:33
Replies: 203
Views: 35,204
Re: The future of this Community - My Take
Gate YOUR community and maemo is dead. You want homogeniety, your society will die. If you don't succeed, Nokia will assist in killing it for you by abandonding the product. Nokia needs and wants...
Forum: General
2010-01-01, 18:30
Replies: 19
Views: 8,003
Re: How big is Nokia's Maemo Staff
Indeed. And also to gauge the kind of speed I can expect in its development.
Nokia made statements such as "no compromises" regarding its mobile computer line. I would love if this becomes true....
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2009-12-29, 08:38
Replies: 1,571
Views: 754,427
Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE). Blame me here, pls
I just want to thank you for participating and listening. THIS is what Nokia could do more of - to make maemo take giant leaps ahead of its competition. Listen to complaints, use the...
Forum: Nokia N900
2009-12-07, 17:21
Replies: 495
Views: 193,244
Re: N900 Unexpected reboots
If you paid by credit card, call your credit card company and explain the situation. They are likely to help, specially with retail. Let them do the work for you.