Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-07-21, 07:11
Replies: 103
Views: 31,871
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-07-21, 07:10
Replies: 103
Views: 31,871
Re: Unexpected cool features on n950
WAY WAY WAY better. Just got it yesterday and with only a small charge from 9am to 11pm the battery had 60% left and that was using it all day, using camera, web, email, video and wifi all day
Forum: Multimedia
2011-04-12, 22:19
Replies: 1,969
Views: 719,122
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2011-03-15, 21:48
Replies: 4
Views: 1,755
Forum: Applications
2011-03-10, 23:07
Replies: 581
Views: 337,393
Re: [ANNOUNCE] WebOS Games Manager
I cant how much i love this have made what was lets face it an awful and tricky experience of getting preveen working at least for non programmers into a joy.
Now I wonder, if WebOs can...
Forum: Applications
2011-03-09, 13:43
Replies: 581
Views: 337,393
Re: [ANNOUNCE] WebOS Games Manager
Can someone please IM me with a location where i can find the ipk files...yes yes you should have Palm Pre...i know the official line but be honest no one cares about this.
Just dont post the link...
Forum: Applications
2011-02-21, 20:15
Replies: 93
Views: 25,686
Re: [Request] Facebook App
good start, great to see someone working on this, one thing if i may request, please try to use the Facebook colours as it will give a sense of officialness.
Also might be better and quicker to...
Forum: Applications
2011-02-21, 14:16
Replies: 93
Views: 25,686
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2011-02-18, 11:43
Replies: 4,534
Views: 2,388,280
Forum: Applications
2011-02-15, 00:35
Replies: 290
Views: 184,805
Forum: Competitors
2011-02-06, 00:14
Replies: 24
Views: 12,974
Re: Bubble UI For Symbian - Qt Based
Seriously...what do you mean "Us"..Nokia and Intel own MeeGo along with a number of other companies.
This concept now production from Nokia was also used by Qualcomm to demo their processors.
Forum: Applications
2011-02-03, 14:22
Replies: 360
Views: 110,955
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2011-02-02, 08:29
Replies: 5,430
Views: 1,697,062
Re: The in-development Maemo 5 Community SSU
Hey all,
Firstly let me say that this is a great step for the community to be able to provide these updates.
However I do have a concern, these updates show up automatically and one could...
Forum: Applications
2011-01-29, 08:45
Replies: 0
Views: 2,993
[ANNOUNCE] TwimGo 2.5 In QML
Hey everyone,
Tommi released TwimGo 2.5 last night for N900, its now in QML and its sweet, this is an early preview build so somethings previously present are missing.
For more info and...
Forum: Applications
2011-01-23, 19:38
Replies: 1
Views: 2,711
QT Quick Twitter Client
Hey All,
Check out Nokia's QT Quick Twitter Client
This video introduces a Twitter Client for Nokia N900 made with QML. The app is free and available here for download and for further...
Forum: Applications
2011-01-17, 20:06
Replies: 17
Views: 7,732
hi all,
Could not find any thread for this, but is there any current app or is anyone making an app to hide the ip of your internet connect.
for example expatshield will allow you to set your...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2011-01-15, 08:43
Replies: 0
Views: 4,428
Forum: Applications
2011-01-14, 14:23
Replies: 280
Views: 87,638
Forum: Applications
2011-01-09, 17:22
Replies: 309
Views: 132,885
Forum: Applications
2011-01-06, 12:45
Replies: 249
Views: 80,966
Re: [Announce] QRadio
Brilliant little app.
Some things im sure you are working and some issues below:
1) Please make the station number have a precision, for example 98.2fm instead of 9820
2) Automatic Radio...
Forum: General
2010-12-21, 20:11
Replies: 222
Views: 68,261
Forum: General
2010-12-21, 08:08
Replies: 222
Views: 68,261
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-12-15, 20:04
Replies: 21
Views: 8,735
Re: N900 sometimes unresponsive on calls/wakeup
im pretty sure this is a well known issue, its been affecting mine since day 1 that i got it, on receiving a call mainly. it flips from landscape to portrait and back, sometime the answer button...
Forum: Applications
2010-10-23, 07:17
Replies: 468
Views: 143,692
Forum: General
2010-08-23, 06:44
Replies: 12
Views: 5,527
MeeGo Running On N900 - New Video
Hey all,
New video of stock MeeGo running on the N900, looks nice and quick but really need to see what Nokia/Intel have planned interms of a custom UI for mobiles.