Showing results 1 to 14 of 14 @ 0.35 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: jself
Forum: Nokia N800 2010-03-01, 18:00
Replies: 8
Views: 6,925
Posted By blue_led
Re: URGENT question about N800 charger 120v/220v

ANY charger rated 100-240V is universal . You can plug into any domestic main power, European 220V / 50 Hz or north American 120 V /60 HZ but with proper mechanical adapter ( travel adapter ) ...
Forum: Nokia N800 2010-03-01, 14:36
Replies: 8
Views: 6,925
Posted By Den in USA
Re: URGENT question about N800 charger 120v/220v

Your North American charger can be used anywhere, in the US it will plug straight into an AC outlet, in the UK or other countries you need to use an AC outlet adaptor.
Forum: Nokia N800 2010-03-01, 14:13
Replies: 8
Views: 6,925
Posted By Moloch
Re: URGENT question about N800 charger 120v/220v

I bought a N800 in the US, its charger says that the input is 100~240V. I am from Peru, and had no problem here (220V)
Forum: Games 2010-01-01, 18:51
Replies: 8
Views: 5,146
Posted By igagis
Lightbulb OPool billiards simulator

Hi All,

recently I was toying with my old project which is a billiard simulator I wrote for Windows, and I come up with the idea of porting it to maemo. Since the original program was written for...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2009-10-25, 09:10
Replies: 71
Views: 48,068
Posted By t_moyashi
Lightbulb Re: Built-In Cam Tricks

I found this software ( v4l2 devices can improve the quality of n810`s camera .
and I wrote a small script to take a shot.

1. install <libqt3-mt...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo 2009-07-24, 13:36
Replies: 13
Views: 4,966
Posted By Justjoe
Re: How to wifi transfer files from N800 to Windows PC?

Just do a shared windows folder as fredoll said, and make sure to check the "allow others to make changes to this folder" box. (I think it's a checkbox, I haven't done this in a long time). The nit...
Forum: Games 2009-07-15, 07:31
Replies: 809
Views: 392,235
Posted By Addison
Re: DOSBox 0.65 ... ftw

I was in your boat more than once.

It's a turd sometimes for a newbie learning to install something that seems like it should be simple enough to do.

If I remember correctly, it took me an hour...
Forum: Applications 2009-07-08, 23:02
Replies: 12
Views: 4,315
Posted By qole
Re: Gizmo sux


If what you are trying to accomplish is simply a PC-to-N800 video call, and your attempts to get aMSN and Gizmo working are part of this, I've heard (I haven't tried myself, although I...
Forum: Alternatives 2009-07-07, 19:47
Replies: 3
Views: 2,054
Posted By BrentDC
Re: Installed app in Easy-Debian, missing packages


apt-get update

in the terminal or reload in Synaptic fixes that.
Forum: Alternatives 2009-07-07, 14:38
Replies: 859
Views: 327,308
Posted By qole
Re: [Debian] ANNOUNCE: Easy Debian Turbo-Charged Edition!

Yes, you really need virtual memory for a lot of Debian apps. You can also get more speed by choosing the "Set CPU to Performance mode" icon.
Forum: Applications 2009-07-01, 12:29
Replies: 8
Views: 2,543
Posted By jeremiah
Re: Port request: Hydrogen drum machine

Cool, I'll put this in the "Request for Packaging" list.
Forum: Games 2009-06-27, 02:30
Replies: 5
Views: 2,288
Posted By pipeline
Re: Help with installing SDL Quake to external card?

in a quake directory located at the root of the respective mmc card.

/media/mmc1/quake/id1 or

All my installers are the same (except ready2run includes data) except...
Forum: Applications 2009-06-03, 19:50
Replies: 9
Views: 2,482
Posted By daperl
Re: Anyone have an easy install for HomeSensors?

Install rootsh
Open an xterm
Type: root<return>
Type: apt-get install python2.5-hildon<return>
Do same as line above for the other packages
Type: exit<return>
Close xterm
Then try and...
Forum: Nokia N800 2008-09-23, 09:27
Replies: 49
Views: 22,454
Posted By ThatN800Guy
Thumbs up New Mini USB Keyboard

Here's a new, minimalistic keyboard that looks like it's perfect for a Nokia N800.

And at 25 bucks, won't break the bank either. :)

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14

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