Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-08, 03:08
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Re: Big-time Rant of the N800
To each his own.
I realize that's a silly concept to anyone convinced their personal opinions and experience are universal canon, so I apologize to anyone I've shocked with that bold declaration....
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 22:11
Replies: 78
Views: 40,876
Re: Lousy experience on Nokia N800
Well there you go, my point egzatly! and now you "know" and you know because you got bothered to learn and ask question and seek help. And why? Because you had forsight to know the reactions you...
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 15:52
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Re: Big-time Rant of the N800
Well, to all concerned, looks like WOM World picked up on this thread and posted about it, which is a good thing.
WOM World is Nokia's PR Firm for the Nseries, which means Nokia reads everything...
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 06:26
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 06:21
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 05:09
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Re: Big-time Rant of the N800
Zeusenergy, I appreciate the truth in packaging ('champion of flame wars'), and I'm struck by your verbose and grandstanding production of heat versus light, gas versus lucid criticism. Despite the...
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 04:51
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Re: Big-time Rant of the N800
Fair enough, just wondering.
As to the sales channel - quite obviously it's marketed towards....whoever.
With OS2008, it's definitely MUCH closer to being a consumer device. My mom, for...
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 03:26
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Re: Big-time Rant of the N800
I've said it before elsewhere...I agree that the n8x0 and os2008 are not ready for primetime. I use the thing daily, and it seems daily that I find another quirk. It boggles my mind that this...
Forum: Nokia N800
2008-01-07, 03:18
Replies: 166
Views: 34,534
Little-Time Rant Back Atcha
Like you, I'm new to the platform. I haven't encountered the level of flakiness you have, but I agree with your conclusion.
The level of polish in the software is not that of a released...
Forum: Nokia N800
2007-12-30, 03:19
Replies: 41
Views: 7,649
Forum: Nokia N800
2007-12-29, 18:11
Replies: 10
Views: 5,252
Re: Internal SD card slot stopped working?
New N800 owner.
Hope this helps someone. The documentation gives specific info on how to install the external, but has no mention of how to install the internal memory card. No markings on the...
Forum: Nokia N800
2007-12-24, 06:24
Replies: 209
Views: 66,483
Re: Thumbs up or down for new OS2008 for N800
Jebus, and the war begins. Ever opinionated, here I go.
90% of the times The General (Sorry, I like that nickname) has said a thread is redundant, it has been. Every time someone buys a tablet,...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2007-12-18, 16:13
Replies: 134
Views: 40,305